Ehhh I’m not sure about that
Ehhh I’m not sure about that
An anonymous friend of Hight’s told the newspaper that Lane “was understanding at first but then hounded him for not contributing” while she worked at Coca-Cola Southwest Beverages.
Chuck Tingle is a national treasure and worthy twitter follow.
Exactly. Exactly exactly exactly. It’s not perfect, but its closer than most.
Yep. A song intended for teenie boppers that doesn’t slut shame and arguably (at least in my hopeful brain) is trans inclusive. I’m down.
Jessica McClintock was the choice prom designer of my era, circa 2005.
With a little back and forth motion with his hand for good measure.
Preface: this is going to definitely be a first-world middle class whine. It is not my intention to be myopic with respect to this issue, and ignore the more problematic realities facing those with lower income and for single mothers. I’m just recounting my current childlessness choices.
Almost from the womb. He likely paid for the tits.
Yep. Exactly. Anyone who thinks she doesn’t wave her name around and demand special treatment is deluding themselves. See, e.g. Asking a stylist to do her hair and make up for free for the inauguration for “publicity” tacky and tone deaf, justness like daddy
Nah. Don’t.
Eh. She posts on “richkidsofintagram” and had a two-bit short lived singing career bought answers paid for by daddy. I don’t doubt she waves her last name around whenever it can be used to her benefit. She’s just as bad as the rest of them.
Ugh she came to my undergrad when I was there in the twilight of the bush era. her “cold open” before questions was some factfree diatribe about democrat spending. I gave more shits then and waited to ask how she jived that diatribe with all the money bush spent on the war in Iraq. She turned to the audience and said…
Childless, recently married in a north east city I love. Nonstop. Strangers have more thoughts about my uterus than I do.
Something about giving foreign dignitaries food poisoning doesn’t seem like it would be great for diplomatic relations.
Someone on twitter already complained about Indianapolis wasting “human funding” on ducks instead of policing.
Please elaborate.
It’s very cool that you’re so open with the use of your design by others. It’s a great symbol and evidently appealing in every language.
Am I a bad person for enjoying this recent turn of events for Kellyanne as much as I am right now? It seriously brightened my Tuesday.