liz.lemonade: She is beyond good and evil.

Every single morning for the past eight years, I’ve taken Route A for my 20-mile commute. Maybe 2-3 times a month, I’ll use Route B, which is a shorter distance but is on surface streets and takes longer. And EVERY MORNING, Google Maps and Waze suggest Route B, with two alternate routes that would take 20 more minutes

I’ve been meaning to update my white noise app, so this is quite useful!  Can’t say I’m enthusiastic about an app named “Pzizz”, unless I plan on midnight bathroom breaks. 

I wish, but ain’t no way Iowa’s gonna give up the “prestige” (and massive influx of sweet, sweet campaign cash) of being First in the Nation. 

Yeah, that’s probably the argument that the organizers used. But seems like they could also just make a master list of all the precinct captains’ phone numbers and check that against where the text comes from. 

Yes, this is a dumb question, but why couldn’t they just text the photos and results? Is there a particular reason to use a proprietary app? 

That was delightful, but especially for the producer halfway through who says, “He had two beautiful girls with him. [pause] The twins.” 

Okay, here’s a genuine, explain-it-like-I’m-dumb question: what would those Bernie fans who refuse to vote for Biden actually do on November 3? Stay home? 

Ah, but I think her post-election stance is a very smart strategy (and I’m a Georgia voter who has something to say in the matter, not to mention the blue “STACEY ABRAMS GOVERNOR” sticker still on my car.) Beto tried to capitalize on his post-election notoriety and had his butt handed to him. He’s also a wealthy white

I would eat that. I would hate myself for it afterward as I stared at my bloated belly in the mirror and reached for the Metformin, but I would still eat that.

Hmm, has that been confirmed, Easter Eggs notwithstanding? Or maybe Ben Wyatt has an evil demon twin? 

Oh, damn, Halt and Catch Fire. Another show with a glorious finale. “I have an idea,” indeed.

And, of course, The Good Place: The Podcast went live right after the episode. I haven’t listened yet, but this week Marc Evan Jackson interviews Mike Schur and Drew Goddard. The episode is an hour and a half long... and it’s labeled as “Part 1".

Ah, but how much does he really love his daughters if he named one of them “Hebecca”? 

“As the father of two daughters, I am outraged about [insert issue that, frankly, they should be outraged about no matter what]!”

And for many of that (older) half of the Democrats, “socialist” is practically a dirty word, not a point of pride.

I read Jemele Hill’s piece yesterday, and I noticed that she said Bryant felt he had been “wrongly accused” of sexual assault, not that it was an issue of the perception of consent, as he said in his official apology. Hill was quoting her conversation with him in 2015, when consent was very much being discussed in

One of the best things my doctor told me is that despite all the marketing, there’s no significant difference between Claritin, Allegra, Zyrtec, and so on. Just take whichever is on sale.

Hell, back in 1994 I was in college down in San Antonio (even did a temp gig in HEB’s headquarters), and the Central Market mythos was already spreading from Austin down to SA.  

*raises a canned G&T in salute