liz.lemonade: She is beyond good and evil.

Not gonna lie, though: if someone did that to my knitting, especially a project I’d been working on for nine weeks? I’d also want to kick their butts.

I got a very strong vibe that Jack will return later in the season, likely in the finale. He’s too huge a character to just pop in for a short, relatively inconsequential cameo. (Someone else could’ve delivered the same info about the Cybermen.)

Yeah, I’m leaning toward the alternate universe possibility, given that the show has been dropping hints about other dimensions this season (though I can’t remember specific examples.) It would also explain why Doctor Ruth seems more hardcore than our Doctor, along with the oddness of the new Master’s behavior after

Yes. Thank you. I’ve lived in metro Atlanta for twenty years, and I can totally believe it takes place in Georgia.

I’m also inordinately amused that it’s “2019-nCoV”, given that it was identified on December 31. Reminds me of how I tease my mom that she’s not really a Baby Boomer because she was born on 12/31/45. 

I haven’t read the book, but I assume that since Bateman films Ozark here, he probably has a lot of connections in the local industry that would make filming easier. Plus, the infrastructure is much more established than in Oklahoma. Just guessing, though.

That actually relates to one thing that bugged me about the courthouse scene. (Note: I haven’t read the book.) Multiple sheriff’s deputies and the prime suspect are killed by the dead child’s brother, all while dozens of witnesses and local news crews watch? That would be wall-to-wall coverage on CNN and Fox News for

And me. Thank the FSM I’m not the only one to remember those Pace commercials.

Bernie’s supporters aren’t worried about a 70-something socialist from Vermont by way of Brooklyn.

Here’s the funny thing, though. I’m a volunteer usher at the local performing arts center, and the Jojo Siwa tour swung through this past summer. The little kids were all absolutely adorable and, for the most part, well-behaved. Many of the parents, though, were absolute NIGHTMARES. They were either drunk, pissed off

Trebek was actually born early enough that he’s a member of the Silent Generation, not a Baby Boomer.

Olyphant was delightful, but my god, if they’d gotten Kyle Chandler as Coach? I might not still be alive to type this.

Are there any US planes (commercial or military) that would’ve normally been in that flight path, hence the mistake?  Otherwise, it sure seems like someone was shooting weapons all willy-nilly and screwed up in a big way. 

Eh, I’d rather have a cameo by Gardner Minshew II.  

Because I? Do not like raw tomatoes. I do not like their mealy, mushy flesh, and I do not like their squidgy jelly-coated seeds or their thin skin that lodges uncomfortably between my teeth and creates a lacquered film on my palate.

Ah, but only if they’re hot. Room-temperature Krispy Kreme is sickeningly sweet (and I usually love sugar.)

I learned a long time ago to bring a big box of donut holes. Many coworkers will (self-righteously) insist that they couldn’t possibly eat a regular donut, but they’re almost always happy to grab “just one!” donut hole.

Same here, though at least the reveal was still delightful.

I just had a flashback to “500 Days of Kristin”.

Can’t find it right now, but last night someone posted a mash-up of Elliot under the Washington Township sign, right next to a nearly identical shot from Back to the Future (even the Kiwanis-style logos were identical.)