liz.lemonade: She is beyond good and evil.

My 8- and 12-year-old nephews also love it. My sister briefly considered having them watch the Mexican version of Nailed It! so that they could learn some Spanish.

Now playing

My amazing state Senator (yay, Smyrna!)  Jen Jordan made this point and many more last month when the bill was being debated in the state legislature. Her signature line: “The women of this state will reclaim their rights – after they have claimed your seats.”

That’s why the previous GOP governor vetoed the “religious liberty” bill a few years ago. He was one of those old-fashioned pragmatic republicans who was about business over so-called “morals”, and he knew that we’d be screwed just like North Carolina and the bathroom bill. Unfortunately, the new guy is all about

A teacher BOGO promotion sounds like such a lovely idea, but it is such a nightmare in execution. Last year I headed over to the local Chipotle, and the line was literally out the door and around the block. A fellow teacher friend was near the end, and she texted me that she waited nearly an hour and a half.

Plus, this is a school with boarding in grades 5-9, which is a particularly vulnerable time for kids living away from their families. Yikes.

YES. I’m so pleased for them that I’m not working myself into a frenzy about his reflexive pronoun usage.

Never Forget. *pours one out*

That reminds me of the whole Jennifer Lawrence It Girl thing a few years back... and then makes me worry that Sophie Turner doesn’t have much time left.

They live uptown.

In their call, Barr also took issue with Mueller calling his memo a “summary,” saying he had never intended to summarize the voluminous report, but instead provide an account of its top conclusions, officials said.

Thank you for mentioning Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier. I don’t know enough about the law to determine how it should apply here, but the issue of what student newspapers can and cannot do is not nearly as simple as, “FREE SPEECH OMG!”

The weekend before the Oscars, I realized that Green Book was the only Best Picture nominee that I hadn’t seen, but I just could not bring myself to watch. Here’s hoping the movie gods forgive me.

I listen to a ton of true crime podcasts, and I want to scream every time I hear a family member insist that so-and-so would NEVER kill herself because she didn’t [insert supposed harbinger of suicide.] Okay, fine, maybe her death really was murder, but suicidal people — either spontaneous or planned — often seem

Dear god, that finale theory is brilliant.

My high school special ed remedial reading students are doing a persuasive writing project on free college tuition (a topic they chose), and I had them read Elizabeth Warren’s essay from Monday. Next week they have to create a petition for a proposed new Constitutional amendment, and I’m going to have them post the

Interesting. On my end, it feels like all of American pop culture is now designed to appeal to dog moms.

Heh. I just tweeted that, if only for meta reasons, I’m convinced the show will end with Jane/Rafael. She has already chosen Michael once before, and now she can choose Rafael, thus satisfying* both teams.**

Oh, how I wish it were possible to turn off those auto-share posts without muting someone altogether. No, Maya, I do not need to know your horoscope every morning at 7:30am. No, Amy, if I wanted a heads-up every time you post to Instagram, I would subscribe to your damn Instagram.

Why do so many women* believe that “if it didn’t happen to me, it’s not happening to anyone”? I’ve never been sexually harassed or discriminated against at work by bosses (maybe because I’m a schoolteacher), but I know that it sure as hell happens to other women all over the world.

Gen X’er here, and I haven’t worn jewelry (even watches) in years. I do think you have a point overall, though. From what I can tell, many women are the same, eschewing expensive statement pieces in favor of cheaper costume jewelry that fits their mood/style.  A certain segment of women will always crave diamonds and