If someone in front of you is driving too slowly for your taste, safely change lanes and go around them. I’m perfectly happy where I am and how fast I’m headed somewhere else. You’re the who’s unhappy - you move.
Yes. One is simply an annoyance, the other can kill.
Yet another example of someone using The Law to hide an abhorrent position. You do know it’s against the law to drive under the influence? You are aware that a drunk driver is far more dangerous than some over-compensating, impatient jerk driving faster than whatever locally recognized mph over the speed limit,…
“They’re actually claiming that this poor soul (from the accident at the start of the video) was forced to pass that van using the left shoulder? GTFO!”
They don’t have to. They can get their butts out the door a half hour earlier and get to work on time without risking the lives of every other person on the road.
When you go too fast in ANY lane and forcefeed your narcissistic, impatient disregard for anyone but yourself down our throats, that’s between you and every driver you encounter. When you’re on the road with other cars, you have a responsibility to them to maintain constant control of your vehicle. You don’t have…
“Two wrongs don’t make a right-of-way.”
I’m getting such a giggle out of these apoplectic people trying to hide their narcissism under the noble cloak of respect for ‘The Law.’ “UMMMMMM!! YOU’RE BREAKING ‘THE LAW,’ YOU LAWBREAKING SCOFFLAW!! YOU ARE SO GOING TO GET IT AND WHEN YOU DO, I’M GOING TO PISS ON THE FOSSILIZED REMAINS OF THE CAR YOU SHOULDN’T BE…
A local news report here had a driver doing eighty when he lost control of his vehicle and it plowed into another car, killing everyone involved.
You do realize that if they would just drive more responsibly, the situation wouldn’t even register?
Yes, the passing lane is for for cars who wish to pass on the left. No where is it written that it’s okay to use the passing lane at speeds well over the normal flow of traffic, already five to ten mph faster than the posted limits.
We aren’t talking about the usual five or so mph over the speed limit most cars are operating at. We’re talking about those people who, even when we also are going that same five or so mph over the limit, still insist they have a right to drive eighty and anyone who gets in their way had better move or have really…
“If you don’t have anywhere to be promptly, then don’t leave the house!”
I was going to talk about flow of traffic laws here in Ca., and I Googled it just to be sure I knew what I was talking about. Guess what popped up first? You’re going to love this.
It isn’t against the law to drive with the flow of traffic. If someone wants to drive even faster than most of the other cars on the road, they can damn well go around me or strap on a jet pack.
Bingo. People who can’t control their anger usually can’t control their car, either.
Seriously, why is it that someone observing posted speed limits is going out of their way to interfere with someone else, while the person driving recklessly is simply antsy? And if you’re not being irresponsible and reckless, why worry about being pulled over?
It boggles the imagination, the sense of entitlement some people have. There’s no reason why Speed Racer can’t wait until it’s safe to go around me and then do so. Anyone driving many miles an hour over the speed limit on a crowded freeway (I’m in L.A.), tailgating other drivers, weaving in and out of traffic and…
Well, not so much, really. My sole responsibility on the road is to obey traffic laws and drive sensibly. It is NOT my job to indulge irresponsible drivers. If you want to drive like an idiot, *you* can wait until it’s safe to go around me and do so, but I am not going to help some nut sitting in a two-thousand…