
Maybe I read that all too quickly, but couldn’t they be saying that more effort needs to go into grooming young American talent to grow the sport, and not rely on foreign players to shape our team? I don’t see that being xenophobic, but rather forward looking. I read that as we should avoid doing what a lot of college

So far the worst for me was having Shades of Grey on my Kindle and having my boys find out.

Ohhhhhh the joys of GBBO. It’s my favourite time of the year when it comes back. And Madeleine I knew I loved you but the above confirmed it. The above is everything I love about that show. More importantly it’s like a beautiful antidote to the mean spiritedness and nastiness of shows like the X Factor which is now

This show is like Valium. No drama, aside from the Baked Alaska “scandal,” and all the contestants seemed to genuinely like and support each other. And can anyone ever get enough of Mary Berry’s baking-themed sexual innuendos?! Pure gold.

When approving of a meal, my husband and I now nod to each other and say “good bake.” When disapproving, we turn to each other and say “I wouldn’t eat that, Mary.”

It is a hug wrapped in choux pastry, and a second of it is more soothing than an hour of meditation.

No, she’s quite bad. At least as a person anyway. My sister-in-law works in Hollywood PR and of all of the horrendous, shocking, absurd, celeb-insecurities-run-wild shit she’s seen, it’s Nicki fucking Minaj that takes the cake. I knew many of the names she had worked with and I tried to put up a fight, guessing who

Their brother, Anwar, is not bad either. Yolanda and Mohamed certainly made a goodlooking family.

I feel like Pinkman is rolling his eyes at you somewhere, yelling “just say Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory!”

I used to work at a chocolate shop in a tourist town. Almond bark, turtles, chocolate covered Oreos, that kind of stuff. The snobby assholes on vacation would get so pissed when they found out we were just melting down bricks of Peters chocolate and pouring it into a mold. Like they thought the owner of this rinky

“Can I just stay out of this debate? Aaron Hernandez is a good friend of mine. I have known him for a long time. I support all my friends. That is what I have to say. He’s a good friend of mine.”

Michigan Football Fan Proposes Unlikely Best Case Scenario About Something Famous Michigan Quarterback Said

I really love the way they dress their children. Yes, it’s old-fashioned, but it’s hardly uncomfortable, and they look like children: Peter Pan collars and sturdy socks and things. One of my sisters dresses her boys this way—lots of stripey jumpers and knee shorts (which have the added advantage of not being outgrown

I didn’t have body images but instead made up stories for my Barbies’ to act out.

I think you’re missing the fact that this is a matter of opinion. I loved some of those movies. You didn’t. Oh well.

He’s sort of like Carlo Rota, in that he plays Italian, middle eastern, and Hispanic, but nobody’s sure what his actual ethnicity is.

She has a bachelors, with honors, in psychology, from Harvard...

I would watch this were there any intimations of JK’s inner life.

Raised Episcopalian here. Brother-in-law is ordained in a denomination that doesn’t wear robes so the prayers go forever. There’s something to be said for the efficiency of the more formal denominations of Christianity.

And before someone points out that my last name is just my dad’s, I say that the cycle of male-dominated monikers has to stop somewhere.)