Dr Livingstone

it takes about half way thru the movie before it makes sense” sounds like most 90s movie.  

A real win for women would be if a high-profile movie written and directed by a woman, starring a woman, could fail or succeed on artistic merit rather than as some stupid fucking proxy in the culture wars.

You might also see people using “real-play.” If you’re looking for more podcasts in that genre, be sure to search for both terms!

So Golden Age of Radio has taken podcast form... This is an interesting development.

Thanks for the suggestions, and for my new term, “actual-play”. My personal favorite in that category is one called The Film Reroll, where they use the Gurps framework to try to re-create famous movies and action scenes, and frequently veer way off course! Favorites include Indiana Jones for quality, and Wizard of Oz

Hugo definitely sucks but he also reads as so dumb and lame that it was hard for me to scan him as emotionally abusive, even though you’re not exactly wrong to characterize it that way. The love story stuff is very bad. But I mean, a lot of people do misguided things for their first boyfriend/girlfriend, even if I

See, I felt, while I was writing it, that I was listing a lot of pretty negative stuff for a movie I really enjoyed... so I think that probably tracks.

I give this exchange on the internet an A, because neither of you immediately devolved into epithets.

A B-minus is positive! Just mixed-positive. But this comment was also very flattering to my writing so I give it a B.

I’m gonna go with option C. “You’all need Jesus”

49-year old Matthew McConaughey’s high-school sweetheart, 36-year old Anne Hathaway. Oh Hollywood, never change.

That's the big reveal. It's all taking place in Mal's mind, man.

Yes. He was absolutely correct to consider as many ethical ripples made by every stone’s throw of a decision as he possibly could. Too bad his indecisiveness caused its own set of redlines.

Chidi spent the entire episode being charming and romantic, but I didn’t swoon until he put on that mailman’s uniform for Eleanor.

-Chuck’s blithe, “We’re the good guys, we can’t just do stuff”

Well there goes my business plan for opening a secondhand sex toy emporium. I was going to call it Sloppy Seconds. And everything. 

agree, i think Dan kinda missed the point. The letter-writer was worried if she brought up the kink first, it would seem to her partner that she was the one into it, and then Dan went and made that very assumption.

I think Wanna Be’s problem isn’t that she’s secretly into Age Play, it’s that it’s a hard subject to broach without potentially a) sounding like kinkshaming prude if your partner is into it, or b) sounding like this is your secret kink you’re trying to backdoor your partner into agreeing to, if it’s not her thing.

If only it had Lord and Miller doing the sequel too. They made one of the rare comedy sequels that didn’t suuuuck (22 Jump Street). I will watch anything they do; they’ve earned my ovation and fame forever.

“Bit by the same radioactive spider that gave Peter Parker his abilities, but hid for ten years” is almost as lame an origin story as “bit by a radioactive spider”.