I think there must be a style guide out there, because they’re all identical. Even the photo choices.
I think there must be a style guide out there, because they’re all identical. Even the photo choices.
Not necessarily. I can’t imagine someone thinking they’re in heaven and then deciding they’re just going to speak in English when magic translation means they hear everyone in their native tongue.
I don’t think that’s true. I had a Polish friend who grew up in Poland and lived in the UK for ten years but spoke English in an American accent, because that’s how she learned it. I think it makes a difference that she was already fluent when she moved to the UK. If she’d still been learning, it might have been…
I mean, would they be changing the course of time? I’ve gotten the impression the Good/Bad/Medium Places are sort of outside time. Plus, this show has been pretty singularly focused on its core cast; it’s not something like Fringe with its wider view where the whole chaos theory consequences thing is a consideration.
I hate all of my friends who can do that, because my accent is apparently set in stone.
Does it really matter if it’s a simulation or not? Hmmm. It’s the same either way.
That line in season 1. Damn. It’s just so perfect.
I would have happily had it just be friendship until I saw that when she first ran off to the medium place, she took not just the “what we owe to each other” book but also the photo of Chidi, and the way she looked at it. Then I was 100% on board, OTP all the way.
Having known a lot of academics from non-English speaking countries, it really doesn’t require much handwaving for me. A lot of them had their home country accents, but just as many had generic North American accents or BBC English accents (and occasionally the equivalent bland TV broadcaster Irish or Scottish…
I respect the Tahani/Eleanor shippers, but my heart belongs to Chidi & Eleanor. I just love them the most, and I love their dynamic and their friendship and they are just way too adorable.
His native language might be french, but he’s multilingual and teaching in an English speaking university, so it’s not really shocking. (Additionally, English has made the same inroads in academia it has everywhere else, so it’s often the best way to reach the international academic community)
It’s difficult though, right? Because in the abstract it’s easy to speak about it intellectually, but if you think about an actual pedophile feeling sexual urges towards, say, a baby it really hits a hard trigger in people. Like stories about risks to kids in general. No matter how miniscule the chances of it are…
What do you think about those rare ones where someone develops those urges late in life due to neurological disorder (brain injury, or more commonly, dementia)? This applies to other stuff too- I was reading about an old man who kept sexually molesting the orderlies and nurses and msaturbating constantly, but he…
I was reading somewhere that they think pedophiles have some wires crossed, figuratively speaking, where if you show them pictures that generate feelings of “nurturing” in normal people, it triggers sexual thoughts for them. (Even for things that weren’t children). So I don’t think it’s something society can change…
Maybe what we need is something like those old TB towns. Or a leper’s colony. Somewhere they can go and be away from other people and get support and take up hobbies but not be a danger to children. And if they left, they’d have to be carefully monitored, and if they ever watched child porn or anything they’d end up…
I’ve actually been at Masses where the priests as part of the homily corrected people of the notion that being Catholic was essential to salvation. To clarify: they’re still saying that Catholicism is true, but that if you live a life that is virtuous by Catholic standards, that’s what matters more than anything else.…
Hmmm. It’s a test for Eleanor, not anyone else, and she’s the one who couldn’t be bothered to remember people’s names or listen when they talk. I’m not saying it’s totally solid, but I can see it.
I’m not sure that good actions don’t trump all. That’s what I was taught, anyway. To put in the Good Place’s points terms, and then cross it with some weird diet metaphor, being good is easier if you’re strictly adhering to the Catholic method, with guidence and frequent check ups to help you avoid gaining sin and…
There’s another angle on Elenor’s test I was considering, since I thought she’d already proven herself clever enough to spot fake outs... and that’s that her spotting this particular fake out depended on her knowing and caring enough about another person, and that other person’s happiness, to recognize the…
But deathbed conversions isn’t just signing on the dotted line; in Catholicism, it matters a lot what your intentions are and that you’re truly repentant. (Sort of like Mindy, in a way).