Dr Livingstone

Man, they do not make gimmick accounts like they used to. Where’s Cookie Monster?

It’s been around for a while. It was faddish in the circles I was reading a year or two ago, but it seems to have lost steam, which is why I was surprised to find it here. I think it’s a bit tiresome tbh and would be happy to see it go the way of the trans* asterisk.

I thought everyone decided Whedon was a dastardly villain some time ago. There was a huge backlash. Tumblr was besides itself. There was lots of raging over the Avengers and such. And then there was that alleged Wonder Woman script…

ISIS must love Trump, you know? Like God's gift.

Oh man, I hope so, but I did not enjoy app dating and in fact one of the things that helped this relationship get off the ground was that we met through some real life stuff. What did you use?

Yeah. And I'm not shy, but I'm definitely….not very good at being truly open.

The stupid thing is that I'm in my 30s. It'd be much easier to be like "oh, well, it'll come again." if I'd fallen in love several times before. Rather than maybe like…once before (though it died before it ever got the chance to get off the ground.)

so a little heartbreak today. Realized last night that I'm gonna have to end it with the guy I've been seeing and just had this whole whirlwind romance with. I've….never really fallen in love before, which makes this all the more crushing.

It seems quaint now to think of how much Romney was loathed.

Or if Johnson had been impeached. The fella that would have become president was a fire-breathing radical republican who thought Lincoln was being too lenient and was in favor of such crazy things as giving the vote to adult citizens of all types.

I still am in awe of winning a write-in campaign after losing a primary challenge. That's just jawdropping.

Maybe not. For all that it became fashionable to attribute it all to the Greeks, if you want to look at classical roots to modern democracy all lie in Rome. Greece doesn't matter.

This article really clarified for me why I avoid music pop culture discussions. They're just so negative. It's all about going "hey this popular thing? It's trash". Not: "i disliked this thing," or "it wasn't for me" or "I don't like music that uses….". Nope. Just "this is objectively garbage, the whole genre is

On the other hand, I would happily live through the 90s as an adult.

There was a troll or something who was stalking people. I think they've opened registration back up though.

If your list is anything like my list, none of the features on it are ever going to be implemented.

I've got a theory on this which goes: in the old days, there was a lot more people who viewed the web as something to interact with - posting comments, using forums, blogging, all of that sort of thing. But now that the rest of the planet has moved on to the internet, especially via smartphones, the web has been

Those were the days.

That would be a funny turn for the books.

yeah, check out the TIF. It came into existence with the change to nuDisqus