Dr Livingstone

I sometimes think the issue is that we tend to forget that we can have an opinion without thinking that opinion should count for something. Like, you can think that it sounds like getting remarried too soon without thinking that your opinion matters or that you're in a position to dictate what other people should be

Who did? "You guys" ? Who is that? You're also changing the subject- you alleged that there'd be no concern about a democrat colluding with the a hostile foreign power Iranians to sway an election. No one said anything about risk assessment about the dangers of foreign powers.

I don't think so. One makes statements about metaphysics, the other about physics. That's not an insignificant distinction.

Yeah. There's a bit of vagueness around the word cult, but especially in ancient history, it's used predominantly to refer to mystery cults, e.g. secret beliefs that are only available as adherents progress up through it.

No. It's the big faith/works divide.

There is a huge difference between pseudoscience and religious belief. Religious belief isn't making an argument for a mechanism, it's a belief in a metaphysical truth. Pseudoscience is all about claiming there's a mechanism. It's like- homeopathy isn't arguing that diluting things is a spiritual change. It's got a

I know this may be hard for you to wrap your brain around but not everyone is as craven a partisan as you. Some of us actually care about our country, not just that our "team" is winning.

Yeah, that was the one.

Yeah, that probably drives most of it.

What was that movie with the disney movie princess in the real world? The forced romance ending so did not work.

I still really don't get the ending of Peggy Sue Got Married. I mean, it could work in the sense of making it about accepting your life decisions and perhaps knowing they weren't the best but owning that they were yours and not wanting to rewrite your life, sure. But I still have no idea why she wants to get back

It's hard to say villain when you look at Hoffman's character. Or rather, what she does is horrible and fucked up, but it's hard to feel sorry for Hoffman, who is, especially in retrospect, a callous self-absorbed dick.

Goldie Hawn is another one of those actors who can make something work on sheer charm. I really liked the House Sitter as well, even though that should have been horrible. (I think it helps that the "straight man" is Steve Martin, who in addition to having his own charm, is quickly revealed to be as deranged as she

I don't mind that trope as much when they avoid making the "wrong' match into a bad guy. (French Kiss is my favorite example of this in a way, because even though the guy dumps her in the worst way possible, by the end of the movie it's clear that he's just a normal human being who didn't handle something very

Honestly there are a number where the premise should/is creepy or just disastrous, but the characters are so fundamentally charming and have the right chemistry that it works. A couple that come to mind are French Kiss, IQ, and Dave. (All of which star Meg Ryan or Kevin Kline or both I just realized). IQ's problematic

I saw it as less horrifying in a way then what her family was doing to her, letting her basically live the same day over and over again and not giving her a choice, despite the fact that eventually it would tip into horror land as she aged or things changed too much for her not to notice. With the movie ending, she's

I was disappointed that they hadn't seen each other since whatever. I thought it would have been fine if they were just doing their own things some of the time.

Yeah, but even with young widows, the time to remarriage is giant in comparison. The numbers I found said that the average time to remarriage for widows was something like 14 years.

holding up a sign is hardly the same thing as heckling.

Somewhere else on this comment thread, I was looking up the statistics on remarriage for widowers vs widows and one of the things that came up is that a *LOT* of men remarry very quickly…or they die. (Especially with older couples- if the wife dies first, the husband often dies within a few months).