living on video

It’s a very obvious melody, and it’s not exactly the same. There’s far too much legal abuse in music and if it keeps going, everyone will be liable because there is not a single melody or chord structure that hasn’t been used in the history of music. 

I give this film 5 Bags of Popcorn and 1776 American Flag pendants.

Howdy officer. Beat any minorities today? Fuck the cops and anyone who cooperates with them. And the lily white peckerwoods who argue for snitching. You upvvote this shit you’re rat fink scum

... and take your star!

But do we have to keep talking about him?

Five bags of popcorn, and I’m going to go ahead and make this an Oscer Pick.

Whew.  I’m glad when I got down to the comments to find I was in general agreement with most.  This sounds pretty ridiculous.

Now playing

Here’s what George Carlin actually had to say about all of this: you can joke about anything, if it’s funny. You want to say Chappelle wasn’t funny? Fair enough and I don’t necessarily disagree. But who is anyone to say what can and cannot be joked about?

Do you need a hug?

Now playing

Contry music has a tried and true formula!

What might not suck: They opened a sensory room at Lincoln for for fans with autism and other sensory issues who need to take a break without having to exit the stadium. I know we are supposed to be dragging them but Swoop has headphones on and that’s fucking adorable.

“Everyone in Philly maintains a cult-like reverence for a fifth-tier snack cake brand.”

Dang, I feel a bit let down. This entry felt downright tame. Of course, I don’t think anything could top last year’s Fucktomb. I’d say this was the best dig that I don’t remember seeing in previous entries in some variation:

The true Wentz is more nuanced and complicated, with sources describing him as “selfish,” “uncompromising,” “egotistical,” one who plays “favorites” and doesn’t like to be “questioned,” one who needs to “practice what he preaches” and fails “to take accountability.”

At this rate, it’ll take FOREVER to get to New York.

Yep. The expectation is that people just need to stop whining and take whatever job they can... but if it doesn’t pay well or lacks benefits, then it’s our fault for taking it when we should’ve picked a better job. You know, the nonexistent jobs.

No, that’s a bitch move.  

That’s what you get for saying, “Wawa cheesesteaks are pretty good, for the money.”