living on video

Perfect example of how power corrupts. What a fucking waste of money. The idea that “I earned my money” is such a corrupt joke - we all earn money together, it’s just some people get more of it because of exploitation. couldn’t do my job without high end tech equipment, but I can guarantee the slaves and forced

So France is perfecting the Green Goblin’s flying board and Japan is working on Scorpion’s tail and Doctor Octopus’ extra arms (~:30 in the video).

Come on. This goes back to “Mad World” from Donnie Darko. And probably much earlier but that was what really set the trend in motion.

“I wish for world peace!”

Look, it’s nice to go out but not have to talk to the significant other and kids for a couple of hours!

“The problem with the new Lion King is that the animals just aren’t expressive enough”

First, the ball made it’s way to this British baseball and it really made her day.”

In before people make the inevitable comments proving the piece right.

Got my hopes up

I assumed that it was Thanos’s helicopter.

Agreed on Doom. His introduction to the MCU needs to be as subtle and insidious as this comics mastermind deserves.

Biden sucks. This is a given.

I know who to ask...

It’s over-hyped, inferior, and leaves a lingering bad taste in your mouth”

- The A.V. Club

It’s the face of someone you see smoking outside a neighborhood dive bar at noon on a Tuesday

This pisses me off, Biden is absolutely dominating the polls and he’s just out here winging it, while Warren is doing the hard work day in and day out and is barely scratching 8 percent. She’s traversing all over the country doing town halls and putting out white papers tackling every single pertinent policy issue,

That’s the truth of the finale that many viewers (and Sam) struggle to accept.

Night at the Roxbury only has an 11% approval rating. Forget trolls bashing Captain Marvel, because that alone tells me that Rotten Tomatoes is pretty useless.