living on video

Okay, “The Other” must be what I was thinking about. Which could be an interesting concept to bring into the canon. But again, there’s the police box paradox... that you admirably tried to fashion some sort of reasoning to explain, but still doesn’t make sense. Would all of the Doctor’s TARDISes have materialized in

I once entertained the idea that Hartnell’s Doctor wasn’t the first as we’ve always regarded him, but rather the first in a new set of regenerations. The Timelords have granted new sets before, and other areas of Doctor Who media (non-TV) have hinted that the Doctor may have even been around at the start of

Oops, accidentally double-posted.

Fair enough. When I wrote, “I really doubt Chibnall would...” I guess I really meant, “I really hope Chibnall wouldn’t...

So yeah, the sonic debuted during Two’s run, but in those days it really was pretty much just a screwdriver made “more sonic”, as in it literally turned screws remotely using sonic vibration. It may have had some more functionality than that, and it definitely did more during Three and Four’s time, but it was

This is apt, because BoJack Horseman is the show I most associate with this (admittedly first-world) problem. Most episodes of BoJack pack some sort of emotional wallop, be it sad, or hopeful, or hilarious. I appreciate the pause in story during the credits between episodes, so I can process the events of previous

That’s why I was disappointed to read about the FX patch that was sent to theaters over the weekend. As a cult film, it would be much more entertaining to watch it as a broken movie than merely a really really bad one.

The 80's games are the exact same ones that were up on GTA:VC websites from 2002. These were supposed to be the bad ports of arcade games made for their analog to the Atari 2600, the Degenetron. That this arcade version still has you swinging from green square to green square with your red square monkey sorta undermin

I just want to say that I love that Capcom, even 20+ years later, has kept these remakes in the original 1998 timeline. Resident Evil just isn’t Resident Evil for me without CRT monitors all over the place.

I’m not going to comment on the rumors, for fear of jinxing it. Just wanted to second Lynch’s tweet about King County, WA. I visited North Bend and Snoqualmie literally two days ago as a birthday gift to myself, and found the people to be incredibly warm and inviting. From Twede’s Cafe to the Snoqualmie Falls gift

Now what are the teens going to do to rebel and be cool? Oh, cigarettes will still be nice and legal? Good, glad to know our priorities are straight.

The funny thing is, I believe Castro when he says it wasn’t an attack on his age or mental fitness. I’d say the same thing to anyone who’d just contradicted themselves in less than two minutes. It’s the gasps from the audience it elicited that made this a story, and those gasps came because that’s where the

Maybe she’s just training in the ways of the Dark Side? Not to replace her knowledge of or allegiance to the Jedi, but to add to her overall understanding of the force? To find a balance between the two, possibly fulfilling a prophecy of some sort?

Um, not to be a terrence, but...

The Space School intro is giving me strong Bucky O’Hare vibes.

In other news, an area commenter tries to predict the contents of an internet article regarding Durex condoms and Spider-Man before clicking; realizes the name Spider-Man contains the letters S, P, E, R, and M; comments on it.

Now playing

Flying cars and two-hour work week aside, I’m not sure the world of the Jetsons had its act together.

I miss channel surfing.  Twenty years or so ago, I had about one hundred channels, and I could cycle through all of them in less than a minute using only thechannel ^” button. Programs had a fraction of a second to get my attention, but if I saw a wicked speedboat stunt, or recognized the guy who played the dad on