For the record, I did not say “Avengerettes”.
For the record, I did not say “Avengerettes”.
I know it’s a metaphor. I’m saying it’s ultimately a clumsy metaphor. The montage I cited had to be included to drive it home, because nothing in the film indicates that Vers/Carol/Captain Marvel internalizes that suppression. At no time in the movie did any of her allies or foes dismiss her as “just a girl,” or “just…
The scene both worked and didn’t work for me. It’s effectively executed in the moment to manipulate me into eliciting one more “Hell yeah!” in a battle that has dozens. It logistically doesn’t make a lick of sense, and it’s obviously bald-faced pandering after one nanosecond of reflection. But still, “Hell yeah!”
I can’t completely defend Widow’s death. I do think it was ultimately wrong to take her off the board before the big final battle, and to deny her the curtain call that Tony’s funeral doubled as. It’s a disappointing capper to character that I actually really liked, despite a decade of misuse and neglect by the…
Oh boy, I hadn’t thought about that. Maybe he fudges the whole “exact point in time” business and takes it directly to the Collector? Lady Sif seems to have been utterly erased from continuity, so someone has to take it him.
Also, the Aether is not a stone, and I’m so glad someone in-universe finally acknowledged it!
But there are whales in the Hudson because the water’s cleaner!
This is the correct answer. It’s the sound of Tony hammering out the Mark I armor.
I forget: Did Cap have his shield with him when got froze? Because there’s a shield among Howard Starks’s belongings in Iron Man 2. Maybe he made a spare?
But if that’s the case, then why do the stones have to be replaced to their proper times?
I was so bummed when it occurred to me that we wouldn’t be seeing young Cassie ever again. Bummed that Scott missed those years, and bummed for myself because that young actress was a delight. Then I wonder if Judy Greer and/or her husband survived the original snap, since we don’t see them, and get royally sad at…
If they actually call it “Th4r,” I’m holding you personally responsible.
This is an interesting take. I’ve been asserting throughout the comments that there’s no way Stark would lump Gamora in with Thanos’ armies so she couldn’t have been dusted. But if it’s a “remove all 2014 interlopers” snap (instead of a “smite my enemies” snap) then her dusting would make sense. Theoretically they…
I’d argue Gamora’s allegiance had already shifted before she even met Nebula Prime. This Gamora was already plotting to keep the Power Stone away from her father after stealing it from Quill in the original timeline. Any evidence to the contrary in Endgame would be explained by 1. Not wanting to expose her betrayal…
This Wanda does not seem to have quite that level of reality manipulation. Wouldn’t she have already brought back Vision if that were the case? Or Quicksilver for that matter?
Why would Gamora be dusted? She fought against Thanos in the final battle, and was already known by Stark (at least from the Guardians words) to be an ally when he snapped.
How would 2014 Gamora go back to her own time without Pym particles, or Thanos’ ship? I suppose Hank or the Avengers could give her some without consulting the Guardians, but there doesn’t seem much incentive for her to go back and fulfill her death when paradoxes don’t seem to affect the MCU’s version of the…
Has the term “fridging” evolved like “literally” has? Because my understanding was that it meant when a female character was written only to die, in order to spur a male character to action. If “fridging” now means when any female character dies regardless of context, or when any prominent female character dies in a…
I think the problem is that the Infinity War stinger really seemed to imply Carol was going to be pretty integral to Endgame, when it turns out she was really only needed to give Tony and Nebula a lift back to Earth.