living on video

Yeah! Except when you put it in a glove and also after you take it out for some reason. I wonder if anyone thought about how he’s supposed to get it back in Jane Foster. 

Also, I want a picture of Hulk and Rocket in the pickup truck for my laptop wallpaper.

“Cap wouldn’t say “Hail Hydra” even though everything is at risk(Secret Empire notwithstanding). Cap would refuse to do so at any cost. But that one’s just nitpicking.”

I think it was just a call back to when Stark built his first suit in the cave. Endgame finished where it all started, with Iron Man.

I imagine just a mumbled exchange of “Howsitgoin”s.

Thor’s retelling of Thor 2 is great. They knew no one would remember, and Rudd is the only one who’s enjoying the story.

2014 Gamorra is not returning to her timeline. She doesn’t have the equipment and Pym particle juice for that. But she is definitely not part of dusted off Thanos side, since her allegiance nature change once she helped 2023 Nebula back on her feet.
The reason why Star-Lord ship cannot track her because this is 2014

This is the best possible version of an article like this. Non-spoilery headline, many warnings, tagged correctly. Of what should they be ashamed?

Hulk puts on the gauntlet and un-snaptures the snap. Then Velma Hawkeye’s wife calls him on his cell phone and she shows up on his caller ID.

I was getting more Clint Eastwood-y vibes.

I need to understand how the Social Security Administration will calculate the snapped’s age. Bureaucratic logistics matter now more than ever.

Female Thor confirmed for Phase 4.

Meanwhile, this kid....

I’d really rather they dealt with it like Warner Brothers did with the Looney Tune releases.  Don’t deny it existed but call it out as racist shit.  It’s a bit like if Germany tried to pretend that the Holocaust never happened. 

I watched it multiple times during my childhood . I somehow did not turn out racist.

Now playing

I get why they are doing what they are doing, but does that mean they are leaving Peter Pan untouched? This is pretty bad too

Irrelevant. To NOT impeach is to set in stone for all historical record that both political parties firmly believe that Obstruction of Justice, profiting from the presidency, and the laundry list of other behaviors are absolutely acceptable for a President. By doing nothing, Republicans and Democrats would stand in

You either die the hero or live to become the villain.

I kept looking for Zack, and then realized that he’s the one who looks like Mr. Belding. 😧

The neat thing about this is it’s the opposite of black magic - it’s extremely easy to do and pretty straightforward. The hard part is just getting the idea.