living on video

Except your last paragraph has been countered by leadership with the new DCCC rules, which effectively helps to keep in place moderate-conservative Democrats in progressive districts. It’s almost like leadership doesn’t want the party to move left because they are beholden to the same powerful interests as

They could’ve just saved some money in the budget and pissed on his grave instead.

That isn’t all I was just better than the rest of the movie.

Ant-Man had four credited screenwriters and a replacement director, and it still wasn’t even close to being as disjointed as Age of Ultron.

I stand by my belief that this movie should have just been 2 hours of the party at the beginning.

Damn, foiled. I was thinking it would be Hawkeye’s big speech/scene in Sokovia.

The “Ladie’s Room” neon sign had the apostrophe in the wrong place; it should be “Ladies’ Room.” Even “Ladies” would have been acceptable. This has been bothering me greatly. This is my strongest opinion on this episode.

The audience was mostly made up of tween fans who were there for BTS. So Micheal Keaton’s Batman line, “YOU WANNA GET NUTS!? LET’S GET NUTS!” Went completely over the audience’s head. There was little laughter. I of course laughed since I’m over 40. I felt bad for Keaton. You can tell he wanted a reaction and was left

He would be a terrible candidate and worse president but, on the other hand, watching you guys lose your minds over ‘Alec Baldwin for President’ would be delightful. 

I once sat in Coors Field, seemingly as the only Rockies fan in attendance, and listened to thousands of Phillies fans rabidly chant the name of a young player (Chase Utley) who hadn’t even played a full season in the bigs, yet. That experience is, to this day, the the most obnoxious time I’ve ever had at a baseball

Eh, Matt Damon’s Kavanaugh was pretty funny.

How is anyone defending this keep-away bullshit? It’s Smash Bros, not OutlastThis is why they have things like shot clocks in basketball, so a team doesn't get a lead then dribble in circles for the next 40 minutes.  If you're going to join a competition for a FIGHTING game, then fight you pussy.

This composition deserves to be presented in full:

I have a feeling if Dennis likes an episode, it is going to be boring and vapid.


60's rock music is like 90% men.

So she got in before Siouxsie Sioux, who practically founded an entire rock genre, and kicked two other HOFers out of her band (Robert Smith and Sid Vicious).

Induct Weird Al, you cowards.

Coming from Virginia,  I would assume his blackface history will be discovered by the weekend. 

North Bergen is not arich school. Maybe do some basic research