living on video

I was nearly 20 years old when “Lego Star Wars” debuted in 1999, and as such have no emotional attachment to it, although I enjoyed the original trilogy video game on GameCube.

I’m trying to concretely place a time when Andy would still be emotionally attached to Woody enough to notice he’s missing near instantly, while his baby sister is mature/aware enough to “allow” Bo Peep to be sold, and coming up short.

I’m a Philly-area native currently residing in Colorado, and it always amazes me how much red I see in the stands when my team comes to town. And that the Rockies fans are always pleasant to me and will even compliment my Mike Schmidt jersey. I wish I could tell them they’d be as warmly received at Citizen’s Bank

Ugh. Between Baldwin, and Colbert, Seth, and Trevor, I’m beyond over Trump impressions. It’s like nails on a chalkboard, which I get is the point, but this has been going on almost every night for the past two years. At least their impressions all involve the sourball pursed lips and/or wild hand gestures, so I know

Free idea to SNL: bring in celebrities known for their elocution, dignity and grace to read Trump’s “tough guy with a 9-year-old’s vocabulary” words in their own voice and with a straight face. I’m thinking Morgan Freeman, Patrick Stewart, Helen Mirren, etc. Someone who won’t wink at the camera like Bugs Bunny saying

I usually see the big event movies on the Tuesday after opening weekend, my theater’s discount day. I usually can’t bring myself to pay twelve bucks to sandwich myself among the coughing, phone checking masses. But since certain places on the web seem to have decided that three days is appropriate lead time to just

I liked the original movie, and the spin on this one is really intriguing, but then I see the slow crawling contortionist schtick, and the spring-loaded jump scares (I guess audiences have developed a tolerance to the regular ol’ jump scare?), and it suddenly looks like a much less confident story. Stephen King

That wasn’t a very a rock & roll response.

The other has to be John Williams’ Superman theme, right? I like the Batman theme slightly more, but both perfectly capture the character and personality of their subjects in a way no superhero film score has matched or really even attempted.

Denny O’Neill did the Joker great. First, that balance of evil, madness, and theatrical panache is my definitive read on the character (I think the Burton and Timm versions were heavily influenced by him). Second, I really enjoy seeing the Clown Prince in a necktie.

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The Diet Coke ad! I had forgotten all about it til just now, but remembered the can wearing a cape in an instant!

I grew up with Superfriends and reruns of the 60's show, but it was the 1989 movie that made me fall in love with Batman. Maybe it was the insane marketing, but I was obsessed with seeing it that summer.


Am I a dum-dum for thinking it might be kind of a good thing to have more neo-lib dempublicans in the race? Like, would they not split the voter base for that brand of plain yoghurt, leaving the race more open for the more progressive candidates than it would be if it was just Biden OR Beto OR Hickenlooper running

The Time Element” is listed in the key as an unnumbered easter egg. Not having seen the pilot, I couldn’t tell you what the reference is or where it’s located, but it’s there somewhere.

May I assume that CBS All Access works like other streaming sites in that older eps remain viewable as newer eps are released? I have no interest in the service other than for Twilight Zone, so will I be able to binge watch the whole series during a free trial after all the eps have aired?

And the best non-swearing swearing has to be the “Tenement” sketch from “The State”. Unfortunately I can’t find the clip online anywhere, but here’s just one beauty of a Ken Marino line from a skit that’s chock full of them:

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I name The Monster Fuck” as the winner of this Q&A, but if I may add two of my favorites to the list...

It turns the proposition into a bigger gamble for these firms. “If your challenger wins the primary and general, congrats. But you better think long and hard before deciding to cross our incumbent, because there will be consequences if your candidate loses. Is it really worth the risk?”

I don’t think, and I truly hope, that wasn’t a typo, because the Melvin Timeline is the perfect designation for our little pocket of the multiverse.