living on video

Today is James Tiberius Kirk’s birthday (or will be, in 214 years and also in a fictional capacity).

Oh, the hubris of mankind.

My comparison hinged more on the characters’ relative ignorance of science and reliance on superstition to explain the world around them. Jamie is from the 18th century, which was certainly a far more advanced time than Katarina’s 1200 B.C., but he still held beliefs that modern audiences would interpret as quaint,

I watched the Loose Cannon reconstruction of Dalek’s Master Plan for the first time recently and was really impressed by the character of Katarina for as short a time as she was a part of the show. She thought the Doctor was one of the Greek gods, come to transport her to the afterlife (and that the TARDIS was his

Marmaduke is an asshole.

DS9 ran in syndication on my Fox affiliate for a few years until UPN became a thing, and then it moved over there, around the same time Voyager debuted.

Once I was being bullied by some South Jersey knuckle draggers on the schoolbus for still sporting sideburns in 1991 (this was firmly the age of gelled spikes, buzzed sides and rat tails). But then one of the popular girls spoke up for me, claiming they were actually “kinda cute” and likening me to “a little Dylan.

More interesting to me is our tendency to use our dominant hand when playing joystick-only games like Pac-Man or Q*Bert, while most every game that includes buttons puts the joystick in our non-dominant hand (at least for right-handed players; I realize few games after the early eighties gave lefties an option).

Admit it, Professor Oak. You’re just throwing multiple existing pokemon into a transmat to see what kind of Brundlefly comes out on the other end, and then passing off the unfortunate souls that survive the process as new pokemon”. That’s not science, Professor, it’s mad science!

I’m with you on not being an uber-Zelda fan. The early games are too obtuse for me, and most of the later games are too hand-holdy. In fact, the only games in the series I’ve finished are A Link to the Past and Link’s Awakening. Awakening is actually my favorite because despite its brevity (the original, anyway),

Ermagerrd a remastered Wart (er, Frog King)! I wish he’d return to the Mario series in some capacity, but this is just one more reason to be excited about this!

Wow, so much great stuff there! ...So of course I’m going to complain that Ace Attorney 2 and 3 aren’t.

The Lion King’s “Can’t Wait to be King” level put a hole in the wall of my childhood bedroom. Okay, I suppose in a sense, I’m responsible, in that I kicked it in with my foot in anger over that cheerfully cruel stage, but I still blame the game for cheating.

Ninja Gaiden, stage 6-2 is my personal hell:

Oh god, THIS stage. I remember countless plays of this stage (and countless game over screens) playing with my cousin. Nothing to do but hug the walls and bounce on your slowly rising bubbles, just hoping one of you can make it to the top without getting hit with a laser.

I got through the TMNT dam stage fairly easily, but there was this one jump in this one sewer in the next stage that I could never clear. The low ceiling made sure anything short of a pixel perfect jump would send you into the water below (which is a problem for turtles because ???).

My go-to is to slice up a potato skin-on (thick-cut, skinny-cut, round slices, whatever I’m feeling), toss them in olive oil with sea salt and black pepper and/or rosemary, and then throw them in the oven for twenty minutes or so. You can get a semi-decent outer crispness on them if you time it right, but it will

I’ll go a step further and say that I do love In-N-Out’s fries. I actually thought that was a consensus opinion, if not a wide one. Never had them wellie style, though. I’ll have to try them when Colorado finally gets its first location... at the end of the two longest years of my life.

Wait, is this an episode of U Talkin’ U2 To Me?

They better hire a writer and direct who respects the rich Hot Wheels lore.