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I’m sure no-one remembers Sir Richard Branson’s one-season competition series that aired in the states, The Rebel Billionaire, but I remember this “over the falls in a barrel” challenge very well:

Plus you could swap out his head for a black cylinder piece, put on a helmet from the medieval set and a cape and boom, Darth Vader!

Reluctantly accepting that Winona Ryder will probably never cross paths with, get to know, and eventually fall in love with me, I’m all on board with this ‘ship.

It’s been less than 24 hours, you monsters. I bet that reveal must have been fun for you, though.

Like I said, I’m sure it will still be profitable, and the reason you’ve given is a big reason behind that. Since the first Avengers film, Marvel’s had my ticket for anything they want to put out. Enjoyable as they were, I kind of doubt I’d be seeing the Ant-Man films in theaters were it not to stay up on what’s

I dunno. The whole debacle makes me a lot less excited to see Guardians 3. Right now it’s hard to imagine watching the gang quip their way through another zany adventure and not seeing it as some forced display that wouldn’t happen if the cast weren’t contractually obligated to be there. Or seeing the obvious places

I had to look away during the scene where Jimmy torpedos his job interview, muttering “why?”. Maybe we’ll get a better idea down the road, but I have two guesses. One is it’s a simple case of self sabotage, as penance for his own guilt in Chuck’s death, or just his destructive way of working through his grief.

Howard’s about as grey a character as I’ve seen on television. He tries to be, and believes himself to be, a good, ethical, and empathetic person on the whole. But he’s imperfect, and emotional. He can be oblivious, smug, and petty. As Kim points out here, he is also instinctually self-serving. But he almost always

Suicide wasn’t being compared to cancer, depressive disorders were. They’re both persistent illnesses. They’re both hell to live with. They both require outside support and all your will to survive. And sometimes that’s still not enough.

Today, it’s a small pony. Last month it was a giant ass. Better stay indoors this September, Mum. These things tend come in threes.

You acronym-obsessed millennials and retro gaming academics say whatever you like, but I was there and it’s called the “Nintendo”. As in, “You wanna come over and play Nintendo after school?” or “Ninja Gaiden is the coolest Nintendo game ever!”

My feeling is Donald has to be written a certain way to accommodate his voice. It could be done, as you say, telephone style with another character repeating or reacting to him with context clues. But I also think Donald’s adequately intelligible when he uses simpler vocabulary or is given the space to enunciate his

Looking at the interior photos, I’m not sure what bothers me more. I guess I understand (but disagree with) the given rationale for painting the floors rather than carpeting them, but also painting rugs on top of them is inexcusable. But then its also very obvious that much of the furniture is nonfunctional. The

You’re right on both counts, although overall I think everyone (writers and viewers) would be better off if we didn’t worry so much about the occasional anachronisms of maintaining Barks-verse canon while modernizing the world around it. Scrooge being involved during the Yukon gold rush really didn’t make any more

I think you’re missing the real story here, which is that Josh Brolin made you look:

My inner 11-year-old approves!

This is why we don’t put fanboys in charge.

You’re not wrong. Ahsoka is in the animated Clone Wars movie, which technically did run theatrically but was really just a pilot for the series of the same name. Clone Wars is a pretty good series (while the movie is by most accounts awful), but wouldn’t meet your criteria for canon.

A telethon? Now that’s the spirit!

When they unveiled Agent McDuck’s trick spy cane, I was sure we were opening the door for some pogo-jumping action. I realize that ability might have come off as redundant in a story where the MacGuffin is Gummi Berri Juice, but still. Maybe it’ll come up somewhere else down the road?