living on video

I’d like to use this space to salute all the heroes, those brave ones who chime in on this regular column week after week to announce their admirable stand against demonstrating any minor kindness toward anyone deemed below their station.

Three questions:

I don’t think we need a sinister Glomgold, but I do think he should represent more of a threat. My take on Glomgold of the 80's series is that he’s nearly Scrooge’s equal in intelligence and business sense, but unencumbered with Scrooge’s sentimentalities toward fairness (“...and I made it square!”) and family. It

Whoops, guess I was wrong on the internet! Thanks to everyone who gently pointed this out to me. It’s weird, because I did hear those lines (at least I remembered them after it was pointed out to me), but I guess it just didn’t fully register in my brain at the time.

I’m just trying to wrap my head around the many decisions made regarding characters’ ages and existing lore.

It’s not so much “Does the staff not like me” and more “am I being overly inconsiderate to the staff”. They’re inquiring upon the best ways to have their personal needs met while still being respectful to those around them.

I watched the first episode of the new series and saw the potential in it, almost a “All in the Family” for the post-2016 US. The difference being that the line where “Family”’s Archie Bunker stopped and actor Carol O’Connor started wasn’t ambiguous at all. O’Connor humanized his famously bigoted character without

Actual SPF: 1,920

He does come off a bit harsh, but it’s true that Weird Al would be no one’s single desert island pick. Which is why anyone with an ounce of compassion allows hypothetical island castaways FIVE albums.

Now playing

There’s more than one way to resolve this:

Looking forward to tonights nightmare, where I’m locked in a basement with a Kurt Cobain(ish)-shaped Weeping Angel. So thanks for that, I guess.


OH, F*** YES

What is a TruTV? A UHF station? A streaming service? A cable channel? Do I need to call my provider and tell them “I want my TruTV”?

The original Æon Flux was all style. The characterizations and narrative were an intentionally minimalistic frame for the crazy sci-fi imagery and action set pieces. Peter Chung just wanted to draw something other than clumsy babies for a change.

Can any theologians in the commentariat confirm whether this lines up with any pre-established doomsday prophecies?

That’s cool. Captain America: Winter Soldier was all about conspiracies as well, and it remains my favorite movie in the MCU.

If Stranger Things could see how much of its merchandise is currently on clearance at all my local Targets, they might reconsider further extension of the brand.

A twofer of terrible candidates:
