living on video

I think there’s two things in play here.

It’s ten minutes of slaughtering every character anyone ever cared about, followed by incoherent set piece after incoherent set piece, paired with bad hair metal. The audio mix is atrocious. The celebrity voices are clearly slumming it for the paycheck. The animation is better than in the TV series, but other than

The Pantaloons Menace... So Chewy finds them on the trash planet along with Darth Maul’s original legs? You’re right; this is almost too easy.

As long as we get a separate movie to explain where he got the pants.

When I was kid, I hated Back to the Future 3, and actually harbored a misplaced grudge against Mary Steenburgen (not just her role), for getting in between Doc and Marty’s friendship having the audacity to be the only non-passive female character in my favorite film series. I don’t think I truly got over it until

In a word, no.

I was born in between Star Wars (I still call it that) and Empire, so I imagine our histories with the franchise aren’t too dissimilar. I dislike the prequels (no matter how much I tried to convince myself otherwise at the time). I’m enjoying the new saga so far, harmless as they are. As I mentioned, I absolutely

The sentence just struck me, because I remember thinking this after seeing every movie (excluding Rogue One). As if being on par with or better than Return of the Jedi is high praise. It may be the least of the original trilogy, but nothing is going to supplant Jedi’s essentialness. I doubt anyone would pick The

Right now, I say it’s the third or fourth best SW movie overall.

That’s awesome. Now that you mention it, I’m pretty sure that scene helped shake me out of the “pink vs. blue” mentality toy commercials pressed on me for most of my first decade of existence.

Good example. I’d cry over a Cheerios commercial if it used “Father and Son”.

He only ever wanted to do right by the camp [sniff], and for the kids to accept him! [sniff... sniff] Why is everyone so mean to Ernest? [sobbing]

He’s the leader of the free world, and he purchased the lifetime insurance plan when he got his dishwasher. What’s a department store claims rep supposed to do?

I think I could have accepted Kevin and Winnie not being together (actually a rewatch only confirmed that she deserved so much better than his petty basic-ness). What destroyed me was that this news came on the heals of learning that his dad would die of a heart attack not too long after the finale.

You are not the only one. The only reason I wouldn’t include it here is because those tears were earned.

Now playing

I’m pretty emotionally exploitable. Put sad eyes and melancholic music together and it’s like a Pavlovian response from my tear ducts, regardless of context. The earliest example I can think of of something that did not earn my tears was this scene from The Chipmunk Adventure, where the Chippettes decide to take a

Give him the ol’ stink-palm, eh? I suppose Yondu could’ve taught him that one.

This is the correct comment for this article.

I was just talking yesterday to a coworker who’d just finished “Ozymandias” as part of a Breaking Bad rewatch.

I got a teensy bit angry with that abrupt mood killer. “Really? This is why prestige television doesn’t belong on ad-driven networks!” I seethed. And why were they advertising a Disney family film on this TV-MA series, anyway? Then I thought about the similarities between the plots of The Americans and of the