living on video

I’m so glad I never watch those “Next week...”’s.

On this we are in agreement.

Hot take: “Hold the Line” is better than both.

True story: In 1990, my 5th grade class was made to put on a school play that was written by our music teacher. Taking the occasion of the start of a new decade as inspiration, “Shoes” was a jukebox musical. Short scenes of nameless characters wearing bad period costumes talked about the cultural touchstones of

I doubt it’s a thing that will be followed up on in a meaningful way, but I at least found the McDuck-Beagle land swindle revelation to be interesting. The reference will be lost on most viewers under the age of 40, but it strongly called to my mind the origins of the Barnes/Ewing oil feud that fed most of the drama

I should hope so. Of all the show’s teased plot threads/mysteries so far, Lena and her Auntie Magica seemed the most pressing at the time. But its been so long since either have been mentioned.

Yeah, I think they’re disguised just well enough for a 5-10 year old to feel clever for figuring it out.

Before someone else helpfully calls me out on it, I seem to have forgot that Glomgold indeed brought a Tiger Woods joke along with him. It was over so fast, and didn’t land... I plead for understanding. 

  • This was fun for the most part. Like you said, it did have a bit of the old comic book feel, which come to think of it was pretty much what I was hoping for when production art was first being released in the lead up to the premier. I wouldn’t mind more episodes like this.

He does say his specialty is “human-cyborg relations”

I suppose that’s fair. Despite his suggestive nickname, I strongly doubt Goldenrod would be very good in the sack.

In the original trilogy, doesn’t Lando display the same disregard towards droids that Han does? He didn’t seem particularly concerned when Threepio was ripped apart by ugnaughts.

...concluding that Mario’s first take on baseball was less of a grand slam and more of an inside-the-park homerun (which is still pretty good)

Not gonna lie, I mostly unironically enjoyed the above episode of Ozzie’s Girls. I thought the premise was more intriguing than the blander-than-Leave it to Beaver original, and the Nelsons’ commitment to their classically square personae suggested to me self-aware meta-ness that may or may not actually be there (I

F-Zero X is the bar standard for me as well. It hit the perfect balance of speed, track design and control. It’s one of the few games for N64 that doesn’t look terribly dated today since they kept the polygons and textures relatively simple. The cheesy nu-metal soundtrack fit the franchise like a glove. Playing

My memory is hazy, as these episodes aired some time ago, but I seem to recall Scrooge, as depicted in the pilot and in the previous Gyro/Lil’ Bulb episode, appearing utterly disinterested and bored with his business’ day-to-day dealings, eye-rolling and sighing though board meetings and the like. I’ll admit it

I remember going through Ebert’s archive of one-star and below reviews, back when the internet was still young. As far as I’m concerned, published criticism will never find a more withering two word expression than a well placed “Ho ho.”

This was exactly my experience as well.

  • Right from the first appearance of Mr. Banana Brain, that Darkwing opening was the most excited I’ve gotten about this series since the pilot. Judging from mine, yours and other commenters reactions, the copout twist was a serious miscalculation. Not the best sign when you’d rather be watching the