living on video

This is truly the best of takes.

This was my assumption as well, until I read all the comments rightly pointing out that in order to teach at University in Australia, Chidi would necessarily have to be able to speak English as well. Which is just as well, because my original explanation raises its own complication, that being that Ellie has a knack

My read of Chidi’s earlier flashbacks are that they are all actually speaking in their native language, but it has been translated into english for our (and the casting department’s) benefit.

An illegitimate, Yank child, eh? I wonder who the mother might be?

We’ll never have another Roger Ebert, but I find the Grierson & Leitch podcast the best film criticism out there right now, and the closest anyone’s gotten to both the format and spirit of classic Siskel & Ebert.

Good points. I’m very introverted and have been known to ignore the doorbell if I’m not expecting anyone. I can compartmentalize food delivery because I’m expecting a predictably impersonal encounter. My dog’s easy enough to restrain while I get the door as well.

Tell me about it. I’m a NJ ex-pat living in Colorado. It’s not so dire that I have to order from chains, but my options are either delivery from a place that’s “acceptable,” or make a special trip into the city for an actual decent slice.

That’s fine, but if you’re going to offer the convenience, then offer the convenience. Dialing back the service to “meet you at the curb” only helps the competition.

Sure, but if pizzeria “A” meets you at the curb, and pizzeria “B” brings it to your door, who are you going to choose? Keep in mind, if you’re taking quality into account, place “A” is a Pizza Hut.

There’s a nebulous cutoff time for robes in the driveway. It’s perfectly acceptable for picking up the paper or taking out the trash in the morning, but after a certain time, I’d start to worry about the looks I’d get from the neighbors.

This was one instance when I saw a future tech on Black Mirror and cried foul. I can’t believe anyone would use this. You’d still have to leave your home to get your pie at the curb, which nulls at least half the convenience of pizza delivery. You’ll have to put on shoes and, depending on your level of modesty,

“She’s a nice ship, I can’t wait to take her out for—”

Now playing

In total number of felled guest stars, perhaps, but most likely not in shortest screen time for any given guest star before death, which was the record in question.

Now playing

I enjoy the runner as well, but credit where credit is due. No one’s touching Police Squad’s record:

Here’s an idea: if Twitter won’t prevent Trump from weaponizing its platform and endangering everyone, maybe everyone who thinks that’s a problem should just ban Twitter instead. It’s easy to do; I’ve been doing it for a decade already.

Truly, No Doubt is the flower that grew out of a pot of dirt. If knowing their music today means I also have to have Reel Big Fish occupying at least one of my braincells... fine, I guess. I suppose I’ll live with that.