living on video

I couldn’t place it to a specific song, but I knew this sounded just like any number of later 90s, alternative-pop bands, like Better Than Ezra, Third Eye Blind, Everclear...

My season ranking goes:

Black Mirror being an anthology show, I really don’t have much of a problem accepting each episode on its own terms. With that in mind, if Charlie Brooker wants play Tales from the Crypt for an hour, that’s fine by me. “Black Museum” is almost certainly intentionally schlocky, and I had fun watching it.

Sigh... Fine, like a non-fan wandering around a Star Trek con audibly wondering what the big deal is. Why would that person even be there, except to spoil the fun of others?

Probably not, but I also suspect that in this corner of the web, you’re in the minority. And that’s okay! I really like Black Mirror, but sometimes I feel like the only person who doesn’t enjoy Lord of the Rings. And that’s okay too! It doesn’t mean that either property is objectively bad, or that we’re defective

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Methinks it was a callback of sorts to One’s regeneration. Here’s Two trying on One’s ring for an incredulous Ben (Seriously, I love Ben’s apoplectic reactions throughout this episode):

Now playing

“Monster F***, Part IV: Christmas Monster F***”:

I’m in the apparent minority demographic of middle-aged old-school fans who loved The Last Jedi much more than The Force Awakens (TFA was a faithful and proficient cover song, while TLJ was a much more exciting remix), but the more I think about the new trilogy, the more it bothers me that they chose to pick right up

I don’t think Yoda and Obi-Wan gave up. They were Generals as well as Jedi and it was clear to them that they were outmatched and the situation was unwinnable. Any attempts to directly help the early fledgling rebellion would draw attention to it that it didn’t need. They also saw the “New Hope” represented by Luke

Nice, but what is Hulk Hogan’s Rock ‘N’ Wrestling doing in there?

you’d think Luke would have had a reaction more akin to his shock at watching Yoda lift his X-Wing out of the swamp.

He does indeed force-choke an Imperial officer for his “lack of faith” later on in A New Hope, but I think Johnson might be referring to calling physical objects into ones grasp, first seen when Luke pulls his lightsaber from the ice on Hoth, or just being able to move objects around with the force, also first

“Sometimes the only choices you have are bad ones, but you still have to choose.”

...Ron Howard film about a murderous robot driving instructor from the future who travels back in time and is forced to choose whether his best friend, a talking pie, dies.

Melissa fiddles with it a bit in one scene this episode but in a background kind of way.

Gail’s quickly become my favorite character on the show, and the easiest to root for. Forte may have coined the “Oh, farts” catch phrase, but Steenburgen delivers it the best by far.

I am getting frustrated with the show’s handling of Jasper. Ignored for most of his time with the group, now a sometimes convenient plot device. I counted three times in this episode, one in which he’s at the center of both the A and B stories, that another character monologued at him, with no opportunity for Jasper

She’s already voiced a version of an adult Mary Kate/Ashley Olsen on “Bojack Horseman”, so there’s something fitting about Kristen Schaal essentially playing an adult Michelle Tanner on “LMOE”. Carol is just as emotionally demanding, cloyingly manipulative, and oblivious to the concerns or wishes of those around her

I can’t imagine I’m the only purist who’s never owned a copy of the Special Edition. If Disney released an honest HD re-master, there’d be plenty of new sales, on top of the collectors who’ve thus far proved more than happy to rebuy every iteration of the saga.