living on video

The hate for this episode is overblown. If we were waiting week to week for answers to our questions like on “Lost”, I’d better understand the frustration with a detour like “The Lost Sister,” but for most of us, that gratification was delayed only by its hour runtime.

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Reiser’s “Diner” reference was even more satisfying to me than all the “Aliens” parallels. Maybe, if Modine indeed comes back next season, Owens can make a glib remark about Jane/El having “two dads”?

On “ALF,” the Tanners learned pretty early on that their visitor’s true name is Gordon Shumway, but they all just kept on calling him Alf. That’s pretty demelmacianizing, if you ask me. No wonder he blew up their kitchen and tried to eat their cat.

Well, when humans shit out other humans, we call it a miracle, if that gives you any idea.

Sean Astin for MVP of the season.


What’s your stance on “Bless you”-ing a burp? Yes, people do this - less frequently than for sneezes, but more frequently than for coughs. I think it’s meant to be humorous, although neither party laughs.

Umm, but Sugar Bear is a pretty out-in-the-open imitation of Bing Crosby (just as Taz’s dad was on “Taz-Mania”).

Just as unlikely (but possible) an explanation is that the hat is providing shade. It looks like the two fedora-ed tourist corn pops with full-torsoed bodies(?) are also a tad darker than the rest (though still not as dark as the janitor).

If Mel Brooks isn’t using it, might I suggest “Star Wars: The Search for More Money”?

Is it working? It is for me, mostly.

I’m actually optimistic about this potential change to “Dr. Who,” since I’ve lately been wondering if the series is best served in its current 45-minute format, it’s previous, shorter running-time serials, or something else.

@REALDONALDTRUMP: “It has been known for some time now that the Mexican people have developed ladder technology. True, ladders have potential to be used to... ...climb things that would otherwise be unclimbable, but “Fake News”don’t understand my great wall will be taller than the tallest ladder! #MAGA!!!”

I’m enjoying the show for the most part. I’m impressed with how successfully they’ve updated and differentiated all the kid characters, in ways that don’t seem as much like the In Your Face! pandering as the promos led me to fear. I like the addition of Lena, and find myself really hoping she ends up on the side of

The flux capacitor and Mr. Fusion went back to 1985 with Marty, while Doc was stranded in 1885. Doc would never disturb the original Delorean he had hidden in the mine, for fear of changing the events behind Marty and 1955 Doc finding it. He had to have rebuilt it all from scratch with available 19th century tech.

Itchy, or Attichitcuk, actually fought alongside Chewy and Yoda in the Battle of Kashyyk. This was years before developing his crippling addiction to VR Diahann Carroll pornography.

I hope you don’t mind; I took the liberty...

I don’t know. How’d he recreate the flux capacitor in the 19th century, and how did he power it? How could he at all cautiously time travel with the train before hover conversion, without having extensive knowledge of existing rail lines and train schedules in any given time period, and without exposing to the world

This sounds about right. After the angry sex following fight #3 (which was serious enough for me to worry about Diane’s safety), the next couple of arguments were more like unhealthy but knowing foreplay for the two.

I have a feeling that line was a troll. When Trey and Matt actually reference something, they’re usually pretty crystal proper-noun clear about what it is.