living on video

How much more does this Nintendo game have to glitch out before someone finally pulls out the damned thing and blows on it? The screen is already full of numbers and the music is a scratchy mess. This isn’t how it’s supposed to play! Why are there still people insisting that it is? They can’t possibly still be

Frankie say what?

“There’s Nothing Particularly Magical about Vulcans Doing It”

Today, two things are clear to me:

He’s very concerned about all those things. They make him look terrible and ineffective and get Americans all upset, so he’s staged a very high profile but meaningless grudge match to distract everybody, and even cast himself as the heel. Vince McMahon has taught him well.

If you don’t like Silicon Valley jerk Gyro, then you’re really not going to like the new Juggalo Doofus.

It’s not so much that the voice itself is harder to understand as it is the new series throwing more complex dialogue at him than previous cartoon appearances, and less time to enunciate it.

Neither is Launchpad, but they’re both awesome additions to the universe. Bring on Gizmoduck!

My DVR lists this as episode 3, and “The Great Dime Chase” as ep 2, but Disney XD also aired them in this reverse order, so... okay? It’s not really narrative breaking, since “Daytrip...” is a standalone, but “Great Dime...” directly follows up on the tease at the end of the pilot.

I’m with you! It’s okay to love it and recognize it as terrible! It was one of my favorites shows as an 8-13 year old. I honestly thought Joey’s Bullwinkle schtick was hilarious. Every time. I have a lot of residual affection for the show as a result, and even for “Fuller House” as well. But it is still pretty

Perhaps not Jaleel White. I imagine he’ll have mixed emotions about it, but a job’s a job, right?

So far, I’ve relegated my theorizing to the comments sections of pop culture webzones, but perhaps this is my true calling. Thanks!

Another “Full House” reference I enjoyed was when Bojack is watching “Horsin’ Around” with Diane, and she mentions how it never made sense to her why The Horse’s house had two sets of stairs going up to the second floor (one in the living room and another in the kitchen). This was something I’ve always wondered about

emirate? That should’ve read amirite? (as in “am I right?”)

Hmm.... good question...

I think I’ll just keep on believing that the “Judgement Day never happened” deleted scene from T2 is the true ending for the series.

The difference is Boomers ate that shit up and loved every second of it. They really felt like they were finally getting their due in the 80's and 90's.

Good luck finding someone between the ages of 180 and 189, who can act.

Now playing

Doggy doggy what now?! Please, tell me this is some elaborate ruse to trick the Juice into confessing.

Thank you, Hollyhock Manheim-Manheim-Gorilla-Rub-a-Dub-Dub-Zoolander-Hallelujah-something-McDonald’s! From you, that’s some compliment!