living on video

Hey, don't spoil the finale!

In-universe yes, but WE know it, making it an odd fit with him being a seemingly pure-hearted good guy this time around. There are no indications that he regrets doing it, is afraid of being found out someday, or is sinisterly satisfied that he got away with it. Of course, maybe it just never comes up, but since we

I thought that's what it looked like, but convinced myself I was just searching for things that weren't there.

Neither am I. It could still be the case, but I took Sarah's "something happened to me" line to be referring to something more recent.

If it means Detective Munch makes his way to "Twin Peaks" before this is over, all will be forgiven.

Maybe, but it sure made mince meat of those on-loan counselors from Camp Crystal Lake at the NYC viewing chamber. It was POV and all Lynchian static and strobes, so we don't know if it was by tooth or by claw.

The Evolution of the Arm was once simply The Arm. MIKE's left arm if memory serves. Just putting that out there.

Oh holy crap. I guess because it happened so way back and before all the context and backstory, I never thought about the "Experimental Model" actually being loose in this world. Good pull!

Well put.

Honestly, my first thought was "How the hell did Leo survive that tarantula deathtrap?"

You know, I had, but was honestly not consciously thinking about it. Wow.

I'll allow it, but you better be going somewhere with this.

I just hope it doesn't end with Laura waking up, and she Leland and Sarah are this Rockwellian happy family, and we see that Dougie Jones was Cooper's true identity all along, and… I'm jinxing this, aren't I?

Maybe all of "Twin Peaks" is a dream (or the line between dream and reality is blurring, with the title town at its nexus)? Might explain why Gordon and Albert are only now remembering Jefferies' bizarre appearance in FWWM, but also why no one seems to remember Windom Earle's significant (if regrettable) roles in

Now you got me thinking they're like the Zuul and Vinz Clortho of this mythology. I'm cautiously okay with this.

I saw that briar patch of options on Amazon and opted to order directly from APO. It might have been a few bucks more, but my peace of mind was worth much more than that.

I really don't mind being in the minority of people who thought this series was a success. I laughed more during TYL than FDOC on my first viewing, honestly.

Since every other comparison has already been made, not that it matters.

Wow. One day after the Disney announcement that sparked discussion of the glut of increasingly fragmented streaming options.
Seeso was one of several services I thought about signing up for the trial period, getting my fill of Monte Python and classic SNL, check out Bajillion Dollar Properties, and then quit before I

"Over the Falls" was pretty decent, as well (and I have a weird appreciation for the goofy "Pudding Tain"), but I distinctly remember The Brown Album" being the first time I was genuinely disappointed by a record from a band that I loved.