living on video

Thanks, I couldn't make out what he said there, even after rewinding to hear it again (which I have to do an embarrassing amount of time while watching telly on the Beeb).

You wonderful person, thank you for sharing!

They were all robbed of any chance of closure when Joe was acquitted. The best one can do in that circumstance is try to move on without the benefit of that closure and to put it behind you. To my mind Beth and Ellie are doing this more successfully through their work than Mark was by stewing in his own misery.

I took the flashbacks to be more of a "flash-sideways," to borrow Lost terminology, and that Mark's dreams about him and Danny were of a present-day that might have been. Besides the aged up Danny (which other shows have cheated to keep the same child actor), it just seemed a bit too rosy to be actual.

Maybe the show has succeeded where I have failed in regards to forgetting all about Windom Earle, but wouldn't he have been a Blue Rose agent as well? I thought he was Dale's mentor in the FBI? And involved with Project: Blue Book?

I had to rewind it to see where the joke was too. The first time, I was listening too hard for actual or coded information, something Lynch has not so subtly been cautioning us against. He's worried about us.

Really, no mention of the infamous “Pizza Time” video? Because that’s clearly where this whole scenario is heading.

Can't it be both?

I'm glad I'm not the only person who saw it!

Hey, I resemble that remark!

Sadly, it reminds me Dennis Miller Live. Not enough the kill the song for me, mind you, but an inconvenient association all the same.

I really want to be the one who steps in and says "Why choose? They're both great!"

<insert captain="" america="" "i="" understood="" that="" reference"="" gif="">

I caught this tour when they stopped in Denver recently. I had the same impression that you folks did. Tears for Fears by far gave the stronger and more entertaining performance. Hall and Oates were adequate and played all the hits and notes, but there was a lack of vitality to their set. I cast the blame squarely

She does claim to have the ability to restore Bill to her pre-cyber self. What isn't stated is whether Bill would gain the same abilities as a puddle person, leading me to wonder if Bill retains agency or if Heather ultimately has power over her in the relationship. If they have a row, could Heather threaten to turn

I hear and respect you, but still find the "I don't want to go" line fitting for Ten's incarnation, just as Nine's "Fantastic!" was perfect for his.

At any rate, a big thanks to you, on behalf of the community here that still remembers when "cult classic" actually meant something.

Tom Hanks rightly gets all the kudos for his depiction of a thirteen-year-old trapped in an adults body, but as I've gotten older, I've only gained more appreciation for Heard's performance as an actual immature adult.

This is the only mention of C.H.U.D. in this obit page, on a website ostensibly by and for movie nerds.