living on video

Bucka Bucka?

Related: Alan Civil's French horn solo on "For No One". It's short and sweet but adds so much to the morning-after loneliness of the song.

Also, also the second version of the theme song to "Alf"!

Glad I decided to read through the comments before posting this myself!


I saw The Cows open for Primus in 1996, at the Electric Factory in Philadelphia. They were booed mercilessly. A sea of middle fingers went up and stayed up. The singer made a "we have about ten songs left" announcement early on, that changed to "five songs" two songs later, and finally "this will be our last song"

The Lego version consists of somewhere in the neighborhood of 26,000 individual pieces.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to take partial credit for how much this made me laugh. After all, I'm the one who read it aloud in the voice.

"Well you can cram it with walnuts, Ugly!" is one of my all-time favorite Simpsons quotes. Makes perfect sense that it was a Castellaneta ad-lib.

I can understand that point of view as well. I just think the reasons "Blink" is so well regarded are the ways that it goes against the formula. Being familiar with how your average Who episode transpires adds to its surprises. "Midnight" is another all-time great that isn't really representative of the show as a

I'd have to rewatch, but still. Practically every enemy he's ever made is there, unified and surrounding him, hundreds (maybe thousands) of ships with weapons trained on him. Maybe they think he could have rejiggered them so that they'd fire on each other or something… but surely someone could have tried rushing

Who nose?

Or maybe he’s just happy about the casting and wanted to share his enthusiasm.

I liked the moments when Eleven was bit more Machiavellian, manipulating those around him with half-truths and playing with their emotions, i.e. Sylvester McCoy's Seven. It was moments like in "The Pandora Opens, " when all he had to do was say "I'm the Doctor! I've faced and bested everyone who's ever crossed me, so

Still valid. I always enjoy watching his tenure more than I remember it, but I never liked that his solution to nearly every problem was overblown bluster and bluffing.

Ooooh, ooh! If this regeneration is truly set to happen around the same time as One's regen at the end of "The Tenth Planet," let it be Ben! He was so comically apoplectic at the notion that Patrick Troughton was supposed to be the same person… I'd love it if somehow Thirteen piggybacked their trip at the start

*Twenty Whovians begin to follow suit, but just wind up comparing their lists with each others', because that's part of the fun of being a fan!

"Blink" is an all-time amazing hour of television, but as a Doctor-lite adventure, I've never been comfortable with this being the go-to for introducing others to the series. Honestly, I think "Rose," "The Eleventh Hour," or "The Pilot" are the best intros to the series for a novice, depending on how far back you

I'm a nearly middle aged white guy and I cried tears of joy! It's not only the breaking down of a needless barrier, (although that is HUGE). Jodie Whittaker also happens to be an amazing actor! What an amazing moment in pop culture this is!

I’m 37 and had the same reaction, tears included. I’d previously been married to the notion of Hayley Atwell in the role, but was also fully braced for the inevitable regular ol’ white dude. Most of the frontrunners were also names I didn’t recognize, so I was quite prepared to shrug at the reveal.