living on video

"Resistance is useless"

"…and travel the universe with her true love."

Previous companions acquired a taste for the danger that bordered on reckless in a way Bill never did in her short time. Rose, the Ponds, Clara, etc. all became action heroes during their time in the Tardis. They also felt more like equal members of the Tardis team.

What were the rules of Missy's Afterlife and Cybertorium, exactly? Does it encompass all of time and space? We've seen people enter "Heaven" from the past, present, and future. Earth natives and aliens alike, who died in different corners of the universe. Does everyone who has or will ever die anywhere already

Crumbs. And I was so proud of myself at midnight. I somehow had determined that murdering her previous incarnation would forever lead Missy back to this moment in time but prevent her from being able to move forward from it, which doesn't track. Even if the Master also murders Missy, she either regenerates again or

I don't think the Master remembered being Missy previously so much as he deduced that she was his future from observing her and the Doctor on the CCTV (and possibly from information gleaned from Bill).

Prediction: Missy's going to kill the Master and also somehow erase his/her own memory of it happening. He'll regenerate into Missy, who will move on with her life, and eventually, with help from the Doctor, come to the decision that she truly wants to reform and be good. And she'll return to this scene and come to

"Crazy drunk driver!" Red Thomas, possibly the least referenced character in Back to the Future, finally gets his due.

If that were a bag a groceries in his arm, I’d be worried about the eggs.

Possibly just relieved that her child came away unharmed from the needless risk she was placed in?

If I catch it and don’t drop the child in the process that’s a win.

I occasionally will buy new underwear on impulse when I see a good bargain on my preferred brand. I categorically sort the older and newer pairs and decide which to wear depending on the occasion. Occasionally I’ll have to pare down the collection. Visible stains, holes, fraying or fading fabric, or buckling elastic

Hadn't though about that. It probably won't be as much of a bummer as finding out what BOB was doing with his life while he was stranded in purgatory for a quarter century, but an additional bummer nevertheless.
Damn, guys. Maybe Cooper's better off in his Dougie fugue state?

Not that I want them to prioritize connecting all the dots over story, but I'm really curious how Vacuum Cleaner guy's card winds up in Jimmy/Saul's possession.

They don't need it, and Kim suggested shedding the unnecessary expense weeks ago. Keeping the office was mainly a matter of pride to Jimmy (as well as not wanting to lay off Francesca). But making the rent led Jimmy to desperately and increasingly compromise his ethics (he does still have them at this point), and

I know that that's possible in this day and age, and maybe you know something about the production that I don't, but the actor's demo reel suggests that the voice, cadence, and performance are within his capabilities without trickery.…

Also as I think back on that scene, as well as the general themes of the McGill brothers' story, is there a conscious variation of the Raymond/Charlie relationship in "Rainman" going on in the relationship between Chuck and Jimmy? You know, a sour, curdled variation?

Oui, oui, mon ami.

A tradition that Netflix honors to this day with their browsing menu.

Damn. Bojack may be the only show I love to dread watching as much as Better Call Saul, thanks in part to searing-hot-poker-in-my-heart lines like that one.