living on video

How about some props to Gabriel Rush, the young actor who played Chuck in the flashback. He had McKeon's voice and speech patterns nailed down. Rewatching that intro made me so upset about what lays ahead for these two boys.

We're done here. Shut down the comments.

Everyone makes piss-takes.

"Some goofball haircut having doofus acting like he got smashed repeatedly in the head with a shovel…"
It apparently works when wooing Kimmy Robertson, which isn't a bad thing.

That was so silly, but worth it for the gag of Ben pulling carrots out of his jacket to offer others, like Bugs Bunny.

That's a very good point about the hole that was left when the Mill burned down. Gentrification was pretty much Ben Horne's plan from the beginning, until he got wrapped up in protecting pine weasels.

I figured that if the show hadn't been cancelled, that head trauma would have triggered the classic television selective amnesia, where Ben only forgets about the personal growth he recently experienced, and would be back to being a cigar chomping swindler and philanderer.

It's a win-win for BOB. He gets revenge on the person who ruined his fun with Leland. I also imagine that pain and suffering that's seasoned with betrayal makes the sweetest garmonbozia indeed, and no one was more liked or trusted than Cooper.

We know BOB cultivated a relationship with Leland when he was boy. I think BOB can only possess those who welcome his influence, or are too spiritually weakened to resist. BOB was able to take Leland because of his influence on him as a child, and would have succeeded in taking a vulnerable Laura had he not exposed

Nor do I, and so do I. My earlier statement was a selfish version of me saying that its just a shame that it didn't work out.

What they all have in common is a Lynchian influence, whether to his interests in eerie ambience or in rockabilly culture. They're also more polished performers than you'd expect to find playing in a rough and tumble small town bar.

The dream of the 90's is alive in Portland.
The dream of the 50's is alive in Twin Peaks.
Time is folding in on itself in the Northwest.

I had forgotten this. That just makes his absence feel even more unfortunate, although Robert Forster has done very well integrating himself into the cast.

Yes, but in the older series the people of Twin Peak seemed to take pride in its resistance to modern culture. It was a part of why the town really charmed Cooper.

He says his name is William, but I'm sure he's Bill or Billy or Mac or Buddy. And he's plain ugly to me.

I'm pretty sure Evil Coop assaulted Diane sexually in some way (though I'm hoping her story reveals that she somehow fought him off). I honestly hadn't (couldn't) considered him raping Audrey's comatose body until reading this review. Dear God. If both these things prove to have happened, that might just be too

Especially since Frost/Lynch seemed amenable to involving the actors by any means possible, including Skype, Ontkean's absence is indeed irksome. I understand he retired from acting, but he really couldn't lay in bed in his own house and pretend to be sick into his iPad for an hour?

I love the Big Finish audios, but find a key (though not too difficult) part of that enjoyment is not worrying about how all the dots connect. The shuffling around of all of Five's companions would set off the cloister bell alone.


That's a very valid list. To make a top five, I'd have to make some hard choices with these, as well as Four/Leela/K-9, Seven/Ace, and Nine/Rose.