living on video

I love that "Dr. Who" isn't entirely serialized, and leaves space in between episodes that can be filled in with novels, comics, and Big Finish audios. It'll be up to future writers how they handle Bill pre-"translation-woke," and up to fans how to adapt it into their head canon. I'm just saying that the on-screen

Good catch. I had the niggling suspicion I might have been wrong about the Pope, and didn't do my due diligence. I should have left it at "The whole ep was a simulation"

I have to disagree with the opinion regarding Bill's late in the season realization about the Tardis' translation powers, that it was uncharacteristically dense of her to miss it until now. To my reckoning, this is the first time in her travels that it would be obvious to her that she's hearing English from someone

It’s real. My aunt is one of them (though not a Mormon). Your reaction is my reaction.

I loved WDW when I was younger and enjoyed the parks as recently as my early twenties. Splash Mountain was a fun ride. If tickets were still in the $5o-75 range, I’d probably still see the appeal. The Disney folks really do know how to engineer an experience. Their technology, production values and attention to


Hey, wait...

The scene is from Kim's perspective, like a few episodes back when she took a nap in her car and it jump cut to the alarm waking her up. The difference is she wasn't trying to sleep this time. We wouldn't see her close her eyes, because Kim's not aware that it's happening herself. One second she was driving, and

Ah, touché. Well played.

In retrospect the best part is right at the beginning. "That was really good, let's try it again." They probably spent the whole evening on this. As much as we thought it was a waste of time, the show actually spared us from watching this 3:39 scene at least once more!

Are you calling Shelly a liar?

He's similar to Leo, Bobby, Mike 25 years ago… there's seems to be something about Twin Peaks that makes all its young men into rage-fueled s***stains. Well, except for James. He's always been cool (and if I recall correctly, also from out of town?).

I had the same thought process, and even pondered whether I should try to calculate the S&H myself. They're double-coated!

...the Doctor will realize that he has to give up on beating the monks by rational behavior and beat them with purely random activity. He’ll literally just flip a coin, pull something out of a hat, or roll the dice to decide what to do.

Yeah, it’s not explicitly explained, but I think a time lord can be ultimately killed if the regeneration process is interrupted. It’s implied in the “River assassinates the Doctor while dressed as an astronaut, but not really” storyline.

Presumably, UN guy and the Generals did it for love of their families/friends/way of life/planet. Like them, Bill's love manifested in fear of losing them and/or a strategy for protecting them. The Monks explicitly demanded love in the form of unwavering loyalty, trust and affection for the rulers by the ruled above

Why is this huge section of a bio-lab, with the potential for creating some kind of Captain Trips-level plague (but worse), staffed by only two people? And considering how much responsibility that puts on those two people’s shoulders, why do they seem to regard it like an low-stakes, wage slave job? I can see the

Same. My verbalized reactions throughout the hour: "Is this it?" "Is THIS it?" "Oh no, THIS is it." "Wait, that was IT?"

Seconded. I DVR the show and thanks to the headline, I spent the whole watch going "Is this it? Is this the scene?" It took me out of just letting the story happen, and dulled the impact of any its reveals.

It's late, and I don't have all the details of what's been established in both series' so far re: Mike/Stacey in front of me, nor all too much knowledge of the law, so shoot me down if I'm missing some key info that completely contradicts what I'm about to postulate.