living on video

Paul Gilmartin had a decent deadpan humor about him that complimented Annabelle's playfulness well. She was certainly the main reason I watched, but it was their easy chemistry together that made D&aM into something more than a cheap repackage of the same 80's movies TBS already showed everyday deserved to be.

I had such a high school crush on Annabelle Gurwich. Like top three, with Melissa Joan Hart and the weatherperson on my local news. I stopped watching Dinner and a Movie when she was replaced. Truth.

After some more stonewalling, Oleg tells the guy about his brothers death in Afghanistan ("Now he's a picture on the wall"), and what it has done to his mother (she's "like a ghost). He then reiterates his boss' earlier threat to send the guy's son into harms way, and asserts "We're stronger than you think". The guy

I had had that giddy thought too, because it was a real shame that Jacobi had so little time to really "be" the Master, and when it comes to multiple-incarnation stories, the more the merrier I say! But since Ten didn't recognize him as the Master at the start of "Utopia", wouldn't that be a bit problematic?

That was my one gripe too. Immoral industrialist villains are a mainstay of this series (going back to the classic era), and while they are almost universally one-note characters, they usually get more to do in an episode plot-wise, and prove more of a match to the Doctor than Sutcliffe does here.

"The jaw-dropping callousness of the Doctor saving his screwdriver over the boy (though notably he willingly sacrifices it in the end)…"

With Mondasian Cybermen, Ice Warriors, multiple Masters, and possibly even Doctor One to look forward to this season, I know I have no right to ask for more. But damnit, giving the shapeshifting penguin his screen debut would be a hell of a victory lap. Make it happen, Moffet!

You know who’s not buying that Build-A-Bear Baby Groot? Anyone who’s seen “Terror of the Autons,” that’s who.

Man, I miss those early days of retro gaming, when you could buy back your childhood practically for a song. You could find classics like Megaman at flea markets for a dollar. I think the most I ever spent for a game at Funcoland was about 10 bucks each for the Duck Tales and Rescue Rangers sequels(!).

Now playing

You left out Coke’s attempt to co-opt the “Whatever, *shrug*” movement of the 1990's. Kids like me were onto advertisers in those days, and OK Soda wanted us to know that they knew that we knew that it was all bullshit, man.

I loved the Twilight Zone as a kid, and always watched the New Year’s or Memorial Day marathons. But the start of every new episode was like Russian roulette. Any episode could be that episode, and just seeing her for a second would give me nightmares for a week.

Note: The Chucky series effectively became a comedy series at the same time.

Agreed, and I think the IT remake misses the point also. Pennywise uses the clown form to lure children. The remake’s new and improved goth-Juggalo version... would send Georgie running home for mama, not successfully entice him with offers of balloons.

I was looking for the most benign example of Tina’s menace, and came upon this one, not realizing it was a gif. The first time it happened, I knocked over my chair jumping back.

I wonder how many My Buddies wound up being tossed after Childs Play came out.

Will it explain why the parents chose to immortalized their child in the form of the most hideous-looking doll imaginable? I mean dolls, like clowns, are creepy in part because they weren’t intended to be, and partly because the uncanny valley effect makes it hard to read their intentions. When Hollywood amps up the

So many opportunities these days to buy back our childhoods, but when will this piecemeal curation ever end? How long before I have my childhood back 100%?

“Actually, it would be more like an elephant with a number of mammoth traits.”

Thanks for the how-to! It seems simple enough that even I could do it! I’m about ready to make the plunge, but just one question though: I’m concerned about lag impacting the way games will play on newer TVs.

Is this the real Sean Spicer?