living on video

Jabba’s droid supervisor/torturer has always been referred to as feminine.

If it’s not true, Niantic ought to wise up and make it true. Precedent: they added Cubone and Meowth spawns to their Halloween event, after an official press release not mentioning them and despite their very loose connection to the theme.

Now that would be an interesting crossover!

I suppose I can play with my magic nose goblins...

I know, and soon enough I’ll be complaining that I can’t keep up with it all. But it’s rough right now. I mean, I’m watching a football game for crying’ out loud!

You know, I stopped myself from going that dark in the OP, but my mind definitely went there. “Will there even be Netflix in the future? Or TV?”

Halloween?!? What will we do till then?

Oh, THAT "Arthur". Pass.

It's hard to tell because the script/direction of the series is pretty neutral toward Ezra's bad behavior so far. He's often not called out on it by another character, and when he is, he's either "proven right" in the end (i.e. gets lucky), or it's otherwise quickly forgiven and dropped. Except on a few

Also, I thought the way that way Ezra (and essentially the show) treated "Klick-Klack," was somewhat insensitive. If you're having difficulty communicating with someone because you don't speak the language, condescending to them with slow speech and pet nicknames is not how to convey empathy or respect. Geonosians

I want to like this show more than I do, but Ezra really is just the most loathsome protagonist of any media in recent memory. So obnoxiously self-righteous and no sense of boundaries. Every time he undermines a mission leader, imposing a vote with "I say we ____" (I counted at least 3 in this two-parter alone;

The Single Guy or GTFO.

Wait, is this an episode of "You Poppin' My Stones?"

"…nobody could possibly win the U.S. presidency with the slogan “Who cares?”

As I understand it, you pay to be “trapped” in a room where you have to solve environmental puzzles in order to “escape” from it. Kind of like a real-life Resident Evil mansion or a Zelda dungeon, except that you have to work in teams because it’s more profitable more fun that way.

Teams of six? I guess even in Hyrule...

Did anyone else think that Kyle Mooney's character from the breast milk sketch being into it and casually drinking the milk was a meta reference to Leslie and Kyle's 'shipping in the bit immediately preceding it? Or am I reading too much into this?

In the final season, the MP’s finally nabbed the team and put them on trial, but then Vaughn’s shady General character busted them out of jail and coerced them into performing top-secret dangerous covert ops, ala the Suicide Squad. The guy you don’t recognize is Frankie “Dishpan” Santana, who was similarly under his

I was just scanning the comments before I made the same complaint. It’s so lazy. Not just the pose. The number of pixels and their placement, in their feet, jawline, etc, is 1:1.

I flipped my vote and helped carry Colorado, but you gotta know that they blame you lot just as much for this mess as you do them. But I’m sure one thing we can all agree on is that more divisiveness is just the cure for what ails us. Please, internet, blame and flame away!