living on video

(pushes up glasses) Actually, that was Victoria Jackson in UHF.

That you even have to ask shows just why this movement is necessary. Yes, B.L.T.'s matter! They've been overlooked for years; ever since the B.L.T.A. arrived on the scene, with it's trendy avocado charms…

I can’t find anything to back me up on Google, but wasn’t Kelsey Grammar supposed to play the captain in this skit as Frasier Crane but had to drop out at the last minute (possibly for reasons tied to substance abuse), leaving it to Kate Mulgrew to step in?

One, she’s not MY Aunt Becky. And two, YOU STAY AWAY FROM AUNT BECKY!!!

How many adults are now going to buy this decades old scholastic book and read it unironically? Today's a good day for Dan Gutman.

Thank you. As someone else mentioned elsewhere in the comments, I'm moved by how supportive this comment section has been in general, and seeing how much this show affects people like it does me.
There is a non-profit animal sanctuary not far from me that I've considered volunteering at for the past year or so, but it

I'm sorry you had such an experience, and glad you were able to gain a healthier perspective later on. It's such a tough subject to fully parse, because whatever trials made BoJack the way he is, it can't excuse how despicable he was to Sarah Lynn in that vulnerable moment.
It's something I struggle with all the

You're doing the good lord's work.

I don't think of animation as a lower art form, though I can see my wording being interpreted that way. In truth I might have become an animator myself had I overcome my crippling lack of confidence.
I just meant the answers themselves, be they from a friend, a stranger, or a television program, ultimately can't

I too wonder if there is a happy ending for BoJack, or for "BoJack Horseman," but I don't think his string of acquired and seemingly ignored epiphanies is indicative of a show spinning its wheels. It's part of truth of depression.
It's one thing to realize change is needed, and possible, and how to do it. It's an

I had a similar curve on my commute. On a raised highway. The crash would have been gloriously dramatic.
I'm glad that's not my commute anymore.

It certainly does. I identify more with BoJack's brand of depression: self destructive, self loathing, and self centered. I've spent hours telling friends about my problems and asking their advice only to realize I never asked them how they're doing (and also knowing I'll probably never actually follow their advice

They’re hip! They’re with it!

While empathizing with those who are offended, I agree with your take on this (except it was the Joker who also beat Robin to death). She wasn’t romantically linked with Batman, or even linked to Batman as far as the Joker knew. She wasn’t Batgirl to him; she was Batman’s best friend and fellow crimefighters’s only

The Killing Joke is a great book with a serious flaw. It tells the most compelling and emotional version of the Joker’s origin and lays some major foundation on his and Batman’s relationship and why this hero/villain pairing remains so captivating. It also reduces Barbara Gordon to a plot device, figuratively and

The Joker plays a rather important part in “The Killing Joke” book; does he appear in the film version? This review doesn’t mention him once. What did you think about the direction, the animation, the voice cast? Was this, in fact, a review?

Can they both lose? Please?

It’s like an open-faced Monte Cristo without the cheese, and bacon in place of the ham, served with maple syrup instead of strawberry jam.

Known or unknown, no one fresh-faced should be anywhere near this. B&B look like cave goblins, and the rest of Highland, TX's residents call to my mind that town from Gummo.