living on video

Mega Man III has an interesting cheat whereby if someone presses and holds left on the player two joystick, Mega Man gets a ridiculous super jump. He also won't die from falling into bottomless pits and come jump out of them. Strangely, if Mega Man loses all of his life bars while off-screen in a bottemless pit, he

NIce. My workaround was based on the worst aspect of that race: the obviously garbage car they make you drive. Anything you drove to the mission would disappear, but I figured out that if you parked a car down the street (where the first turn of the race happens), it would remain there after the mission starts. Any

The parts with cast and crew were nice, but the endless variations on ‘I always wanted a time machine, so I bought and modded a DeLorean, and now it sits in my driveway’ wore on me.

But no one was complaining about Spider-Man’s age. They complained when the movies sucked. People were initially disappointed when it was announced Garfield wouldn’t be returning for Civil War, because he was good in the role but never had a good movie.

Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield were bother hovering around thirty when they played a teenaged Peter Parker. I’m pretty sure the median age of the actors playing the Avengers is well north of 40. Why is this where you cry foul? Kendrick looks younger than Maguire did.

The only thing I learned from this article is that trolls can get paid to do what they love. Its goal was to piss off everyone who doesn’t live in Chicago (which somehow is exempt from the city-food v state-food rule).

No worse than my first thought:

I thought Roland’s appearance was remarked on in the books as looking like Clint Eastwood? It’s been a awhile since I read them, though.

Why is Spider-Man sporting a backpack in-costume? Perhaps heading to his day job as a Spider-Man impersonator in Time Square? In 2016, that has to pay better than freelance photographer.

Didn’t have to wander too far to find that he had about as much to do with Genisys as he did with The Force Awakens: he publicly gave his opinion on it. Except he was very clear about his appreciation of the former. That should call into question either his taste or his integrity.

I’m a little embarrassed to say that I had never considered that it was supposed to be Lake Michigan, (especially since Port’s right there in the name).

Rocky’s big running montage in Rocky II takes him past every major Philadelphia landmark, ostensibly during one workout. This would be over 30 miles of running even if he took the most direct route, but he appears to be zig-zagging across town.

Harold & Kumar go to White Castle in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, which does not actually have a White Castle, let alone a steep mountain overlooking it.

Not to mention, the very first shot of the intro is them driving by a welcome sign for Port Washington, Wisconsin (where the show is set). As a east coast kid, I wouldn’t know Magic Mountain from any other amusement park, but I could and did call bullshit on that ocean shot in the midwest.

You forgot 11) Bumblebee gives a Federal Agent a Golden Shower.

Mighty No. 45,540 commiserates with you. I had their emails directed to a separate folder, because I felt like I was getting spammed with updates, and I checked it rarely. So I missed this one from 11/22/13:

I mentioned it in an earlier comment, but there are toys on the way, just not until Spring of next year.

I got a desperate text from a friend of mine yesterday asking me if I still had any old Voltron toys, because her son is a huge fan of the new series and there’s no toys being sold for under $150-200.

I commend your brave show of critical thinking during an age of net-mob justice, but I fear your audience may have more than enough stones for the both of you. Scroll through the comments at your own peril.