living on video

So, is this not being sold in juice boxes at all? I’ll have to buy some regardless, but it won’t be as fun without fumbling to get that straw off the back and through the small foil hole.

The board game’s properties are all based on Atlantic City locations. But since even the hotels are worthless in AC right now, I imagine changes will be made. Personally, I wouldn’t mind a three-hour musical about slum lords and drug addicts, but that’s just me.

What it that crescent-shaped expression he’s making with his mouth? Is that his best Superman scowl? And what’s with that twinkle in his eye? Good luck leveling a city with that pleasant disposition!

“Latinos can’t be Gay, right?!? I mean, they invented the word macho! Am I making this up?”

That is a very valid reason to have a connection with a film, and I’m sorry you never got a chance to know your father.

I’ll add that the original “Pete’s Dragon” isn’t exactly a beloved classic (48% Rotten Tomato score), so any improvement the redo might show shouldn’t merit a portentous “actually”. It wouldn’t really be an against-the-odds type feat. Not to mention the author seems to be in no place to make that assertion, having

First time I could smile and laugh today. Thank you!

Now playing

I’m heartbroken and angry and numb all at the same time. My heart and tears go out to the victims and their loved ones. This is an unqualified tragedy, larger but not dissimilar from too many other senseless mass shootings in recent times.

What I scrolled down to see. Saw it. Thank you and good day.

Do you have a “so did Bernie” in there somewhere, because I haven’t really been that enamored of your current examples in some time.

If and when Hilary becomes the official nominee, I don’t know if I’ll vote for her. I certainly wouldn’t vote for Trump, and would definitely show up to vote for the down ticket candidates. But I don’t know if I have it in me to pull the lever for Clinton. I know the reason why I should, but after dutifully voting for

I guess Cap/Sharon is defensible. Sure, it’s legal. Sure, he and Peggy hadn’t been a couple in over seventy years (I assume they didn’t pick up where they left off after he thawed out?). We know Peggy herself dated and married other people in the interim. Nor do we necessarily want Cap alone forever.

I have to see this again. After a first watch, I have to hand it to the filmmakers for their ability to sidestep nitpicking through sheer inscrutableness.

I was at the Denver show, where Scott interviewed Charles Dumpster (inventor of the Dumpster), and was later joined by Frank Dorito (the Guinness world-record holder for having the most wishes granted) and John Lennon. Great show for the most part… PFT's Dumpster had me rolling all night as one of his jovial old

So Daphne got a tit job and Velma developed anorexia. Someone knows how to get ahead in comics.

REDACTED: Changed my mind, its not worth it. You go live your life.

I respect that. My opinion is that series perfection ended with season 8, and then it was a relatively steep drop off after that (well, relative to the staggering longevity of the show). There were a handful of clunkers in season 9 but it was mostly good, with some arguable classics. Seasons 10, 11, and 12 each

I don’t know about anyone else, but I came away from this article with a strong desire to try ewok meat.

That was the problem; I forgot to show my work. Thank you.