living on video

Bite your tongue! I don't even like season 10. By my count, there are nine good seasons and eighteen lousy ones.

27 seasons?!? But that… that would mean… Wait (double checks the math)… unnnnnnnnnnnnnghhhhh……. Yup. There are now twice as many crappy seasons as there are good ones.

Ross feels you.

I’m already seeing and expect to see more comments here suggesting “shutting off your brain” as the way to enjoy movies like this. I’ve seen this suggestion hundreds of times, and it kind of fascinates me. How does this work for you? I ask because I tend to think I need my brain to process my enjoyment of something as

I guess my reaction was a bit knee-jerk. I'm not a full-fledged Tromafile, but I enjoyed the first Toxic Avenger for the self-aware schlock that it is, and thought this article might have some insight on whether I should check out the sequels at some point. I was disappointed that the author seemed to not like the

Fair points!

I dare say that perhaps this reviewer is not a member of these films' intended audience.

Okay, so it’s not just me. Everyone count your shadows!

I referenced this too! Great minds...

Hey, who turned out the lights?

“Fine, it’s not going to win any awards. I’m sorry this isn’t Brokeback Mountain or Citizen Kane or whatever boring ass Criterion shit that really makes you think. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just want to shut my brain off, shove my face full with popcorn and see the blocks fall down, line up, and then

Who is running that smear campaign against Paul Ritchey in the trailer? I’ll kill em!

At this point, they’re no longer just counting the chickens before they’ve hatched. Now they’re still counting them, after a few stillbirths and sticking with the same diseased hen.

I’m old enough to know which Austin you were referring to, thank god. I wonder if when Matheny is crushing clementines and skulls with his bionic hand, does he vocalize the “Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch” sounds? I know I would.

Bada bing, bada boom, bada this makes me sad.

Probably not, but even if “crush” is just hyperbole for “smush,” that’s still cause for alarm, right?

It's a vicious cycle. Now someone tell me five little-known secrets for getting out of a parking ticket.

Ooh, a deep cut Vonnegut reference. I approve!

That's what you say, but I know you want it.

Well, not Trolls and Dwarfs. I was being insensitive in my previous comment.