living on video

I won't even subject you to the horrors of the Three Stooges ward.

Sounds like a New Yorker cartoon.

Is this a quote from somewhere? It rings familiar, but google is no help.

I've been enjoying this comment section, and have clicked back so many times today to check back in, effectively reinforcing the publishing of misguided articles like this one that inspired it. I'm part of the problem now, and I feel bad about it.

That's right. Enjoyment is no longer relevant.

This is amazing and I am duly in awe at this realization of something long found only in our sci-fi dreams. But, WHY O WHY WOULD YOU BUILD IT TO BE THIS STRONG? ARE YOU NOT AWARE OF THE SCI-FI NIGHTMARES?

I did think of that before I hit post (besides, Vulure’s already rumored to be in Spider-man: Homecoming). It’s like you said, and I didn’t want to bother spending a half-hour on the Marvel Wiki. Silvermane is a good alternative though.

837 comments and counting, far and away dwarfing every other article on the front page. Gotta hand it to you; In a way, this actually is a great job, internet. Trolling gets the clicks.

I agree with this, and hope that came across in my original comment.

Upon watching it for the first time, my ex's 6-year-old nephew observed that I looked like I was "one of the guys from Ghostbusters, but not one of the Ghostbusters." Everyone knew what he meant; he said I look like Rick Moranis. Little punk, bless his heart.

When you use a made up a word like "reverse-photoshop," it should it at least be wielded with a modicum of contextual truth. This is the alteration of an original image, not the restoration of an altered image back to its original state.

Yay! And then season 3: Vulture = Capaldi!

In other words, the focus groups were inconclusive?

That would be “Feat of Clay, Part II.”

I wanted to find the clip of him exposing and then attacking Daggett on the live talk show, but found nothing.

What feet? In the Nineties, there’s just a foot-deep Pig-Pen cloud covering the entire planet.

I couldn’t help it... It just popped in there... I just had the fleeting thought, “what would Cable look like naked, going only by this picture?” and now it won’t go away. Somebody... kill.... meeeeee....

I am shocked - SHOCKED I tell you... that anyone even looks at the top right corner, let alone would hold Facebook to any sort of journalistic standard.

The Voorhees branch of the Camden County Library is a nice example of 70's Brutalist architecture. These days, trees cover up the concrete curves up front, and they modernized the awesome sloped entryway in the 90's (so it again looks dated, but in an incongruous, negative way), but the back of the building remains a