living on video

HEY! I'm trying to eat LUNCH here!

At first, I was lamenting that the DCMU was trying to establish itself too hastily, but now I see it as a blessing. Yeah, they’re ruining every character and franchise, but at least they’re doing it economically in as few movies as possible.

The Calculator or 5318008!

Richard E. Grant was born to play the harried manager of the Spice Girls, a destiny he fulfilled in 1997. Everything after that is a victory lap.

I’m a man, but I have size 7 1/2 feet. Is there room for me on this moral outrage bus?

Newt wasn’t dead at the beginning of Alien3. She was just mostly dead. Mostly.

Rule #34-A: If it’s potable, someone has mixed vodka with it.

Will the canned version be mixed be mixed with vodka and on the shelf next to Adult Chocolate Milk? Because I’m fairly certain that’s how 80-90% of this stuff is going to be consumed.

Don’t forget Camel Cash! I was saving up for a pool table when they cancelled that program. Smoked Camels for years, and all I’m going to get for it is cancer! (probably, hopefully not, I’ve since quit cigarettes.)

You know, aside from the obvious homages of silent-era Maggie and pencil-test Homer the bear, what I'm most reminded of is less classic Disney and more classic Simpsons. During the first couple of seasons (especially the first two), they used to have more elasticity: squash and stretch physics, gravity (hair would

Now playing

I hate typing this, but I really wish they hadn’t gone back to the Conroy/Hamill well yet again for this one. To his credit, Kevin Conroy sounds fine (if a bit over-seasoned) this time out, and his take on Batman’s cackling from the end of “The Killing Joke” is appropriately disturbing.

Back row, right in Littleton! Woop!

People cosplay as Bob the goon now. I don’t even have a quip; I just feel it needed to be remarked upon.

Is it too late to start referring to it as the DC Film Universe?

If it’s not on a tropical paradise, is there any place on this planet that is not perpetually overcast? How does Superman ever get his sun energy?

Sure, he may be off-putting and malformed, but the Beatles were willing to take a chance on him....

But it comes with a free frogurt!


Maybe I was just raised differently, but in a real apology, you explain in plain language what you did wrong and that you understand why it was wrong, and not pepper it with qualifiers.