living on video

Nerds today just take all this easily-accessed information for granted. I was around four when Jedi was released, and practically wore out our VHS tapes for nearly a decade without a clue that half the characters even had names. My cousin had a lot of the toys, but didn’t keep the boxes. He called AT-AT’s “At-ats,” so

Here’s my pitch: make it an Indiana Jones story.

Can we see how Marion’s finally has had enough and takes out his eye in “Indiana Jones and How Many Times Did I Tell You Not to Leave the Toilet Seat Up?”

Now playing

OOH! I have something for this!!! Wait here, I’ll be right back.....

I thought the same thing, but this is a video game site that needlessly and erroneously specifies any description of pixel art or chip tunes as “8-bit” or “16-bit” or “Sega Genesis style,” so we shouldn’t really be surprised at this point.

Right. I mention the cartoon series (where they were friends) because with some distance, it might be easy to conflate the two. My first thought upon hearing this was along the lines of “so, is this going to be a Drop Dead Fred kind of movie where Beet shows back up after thirty years for more wacky macabre hijinx

I’m leery about this sequel as well, although I don’t agree with a few of your points. Winona’s hardly aged a day, and Keaton has held up well enough that you’ll barely notice any wrinkles underneath the makeup. The Maitlands arc is complete, so there is no reason for them to appear except as supporting characters

Does this image suggest that Donald will be a regular in this series? I know he was in the original Barks comics and that Launchpad was created to fill his role on the 80's show. I just hope, like Webbigail, that LP’s able to stick around for the reboot.

“In this sketch, the three of you are at a fancy cocktail party.

“What the f*%k, man?!? I’M workin’ this corner! Yous other pikamons better keep movin’ or there’ll be trouble!”

Actually, he’s exploded into tiny bits and those bits are floating in space. Still spinning, I’ll add, but now I’m sad.

Looks like, from these renderings, there’s going to be a long line of sweaty, disgusting tourists leading right up the hatch into the Millenium Falcon. Han Solo must be spinning in his grave.


The lag joke is on point, but the star is more because slowing it down allowed me to confirm that that was indeed Turbo in there.

I’m not sure I agree 100% with your policework, there...

First, I was surprised that "Benny & Joon" didn't receive at least a mention in the list. Then I was surprised to not see anyone decrying its absence scrolling through several screens of comments. Then I realized how out of step I must be for holding it as
dearly as I do. And that's okay. I don't need A.V. Club to

It's definitely Pennsylvania. In the second episode, the highway signs seen on the commute to Frank's airport job have telltale Pennsylvania keystones on them. That they're near a major airport and pro-football team would suggest that its either Pittsburgh or Philadelphia. I agree that the Rusties would seem a more

I miss Scooter’s nylon jacket. Weird thing to be attached to, but it bugs me that doesn’t wear it anymore.

It’ll be a crisis on infinite toilets in Justice League’s bathrooms afterwards.