living on video

Maybe so. Some of the vehicular kills were indeed intentional on Bond’s part and like I said, my count was hardly precise.

That was my thought as well when I saw the hearse death, and started a mental tally (hardly a meticulous one) while watching. By my count, at least one third of these “kills” were actually either:

On one hand, I admire how action figures have evolved over the decades to have more detail and articulation. On the other hand, with her legs stuck at a 30-degree angle from her hips, I can’t help but picture Rogue running everywhere as if she were doing tire drills, or flying in a crawl position. I guess these are

Using your reference pic, I’d like to add “splitting the final film in a multi-film series into two parts” to the list.

Good Answer!

If there is one misapprehension I would like to set on fire and dance around burning corpse of, it’s the notion that putting characters together decreases the available stories you can tell.

I was around seven or eight and totally obsessed with Nintendo, and Super Mario Bros in particular, at the time, despite never having played either. I’d see them on TV, I’d see them at the store, and my little mind was blown. Unlike on my friend’s Atari (with which I had been equally obsessed), with its mostly black,

Top comment, thanks for not wasting my time!

I thought of that one as well. The episode’s title was “Dante and Randal and Jay and Silent Bob and a Bunch of New Characters and Lando, Take Part in a Whole Bunch of Movie Parodies Including But Not Exclusive To, The Bad News Bears, The Last Starfighter, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Plus a High School

Jiminy Jillickers!

Representing the accused:

Hey buddy, use a coaster next time, okay? If your Burgundy were to leave its circular footprint upon my table, I fear I might expire!

Huh. So the antagonists in all three movies were damaged, unloved souls, who took their anger at the world out on Woody and the gang, who are only guilty of being able to experience and share joy with others.

I wanted to make a similar argument. While video games still struggle to be recognized as art outside of the gamer community, it does the cause a disservice to muddle the different eras like this.

Nice and subtle. When I first saw the original cover, I was astounded that it wasn’t from 1995.

...this short video that adapts the film as an 8-bit video game...

Now playing

Oh, but Joker very much manipulated her right from the beginning, and it was very much Stockholm syndrome. Her pursuit of him was driven by ambition until Mister J played her like a piano with a phony-baloney sob story.

This is what I clicked to see, and here it is right at the top of the comments.

But... they consciously cast four women in the roles, didn’t they? And wasn’t that the point? It’s wasn’t a case where women and men of all colors and orientations auditioned and considered and they picked the four best reads regardless of sex/race/orientation. The producers/director sought out an “all-female

By separating the upper and lower parts of the “g,” it looks like an “o” AND a “g” in the same space. Am I to read this as“loogi”?