living on video

It’s Kevin from Frank Miller’s Sin City, the sociopathic mass murderer played by Elijah Wood in the film adaptation.

Here’s a dinosaur movie ripe for a reboot:

Or covered with snow year-round.

Candy Apple Island, what do they got there?

How fortunate is it that while she has his skin color and Omega eyes (Sexy!), she didn’t inherit her father’s craggy skin, pronounced browline, and stocky build (Not Sexy!).

The Voorhees branch of the Camden County Library in South Jersey was one of my favorite buildings as a kid and today. Futuristic, in a 1970s dystopian way. I just miss the older, less flashy atrium.

Nope. Sorry.

I remember this, and thank you for the perspective. Nothing Disney has planned can be a horrifying as that show... except Dumbo's Circus.

Lots of legitimate fears and cynicism in the comments, but I'm surprised no one's hit upon the most obvious correlation, based on the premise:

Oops! My mistake. I hadn't had my morning coffee yet and misremembered the scene, thinking the truck had rammed Fury's car. Hawkeye being the secret Han Solo of the TWS would be a nice reveal, much better than MCU Hawkeye just being the Avengers easily brainwashed liability. Still want the mask, though.

That's essentially what I thoughts when I read that. "He was probably hypnotized and helping HYDRA". Because that's Hawkeye's role in the movies.

As I recall, the creators of the 2000's campaign were inspired by this: it's an ornamental top for a helium tank used at Burger King locations that hosted children's birthday parties.

"Down the shore" (pronounced downashore) is a Philadelphia/South Jersey geographical term, referring to any New Jersey beach town, regardless of whether it's south or north of where you normally reside.

I hope your right, because (1.) the presence of a T-1000 (2.) in cop disguise in the trailer, combined with (3.) the sudden tease of an unrevealed plot point that they're being very coy about, leads me to fear that the T:G gang might be headed to 1991 for some T-2 era hijinx and fan pandering.

Aggh, I'm getting the claustrophobes just by looking at this!

I could see your point, if it was a new role to be cast (although I don't think you have to personally share the sexual identity of the role you play any more than you have to share their politics, or taste in music. Actors only have to successfully inhabit their role, not live it.) Duchovny portrayed Denise in the

We are not the strongest, nor the fastest, nor the most adapted for our environments. What we are is the most intelligent. That's what permitted us to become the dominant species on this planet.

So if a plant naturally becomes more resistant to draught it's OK, but of we make it so it's not?

Oh no... Is the Zack Snyder film the culturally dominant version of Watchmen now? I know I shouldn't be surprised, but still...