living on video

Now that said, there are certain types of cancers that are most definitely influenced by genetics and lifestyle factors. Of the nine types of cancer not attributed to "back luck," the researchers identified such conditions as colorectal cancer, basal cell carcinoma (a kind of skin cancer), and smoking-related cancer.

My favorite part is the cast credits. Every, and I mean EVERY eighties show had its cast do an "Oh, hello, I didn't see you over there!" reaction/smile at the camera. Now that I know the doofy sounds and chuckles they're making underneath the theme song, I can never un-know it.

My, that game intro reads like the plot summary section of a B-movie's Wikipedia page, doesn't it? The be-penised ED-209 is a cool touch, though.

I'm afraid so. Heaven help you if you own anything by Milton Bradley.

Now playing

Wow, so this song was somewhat based on fact?

I love this site, but have to learn not read your "best of" or "top 10"
lists in the future. Your writers prove throughout the year that they
can objectively and intelligently review current film/television/music,
and also revisit older works from unique perspectives. However, when it
comes time to rank things, your

New Jersey isn't all Tony Soprano, "what exit?", "Jersey Shore" country. There are distinct North and South sections, and a nebulous Central. To break it down (or oversimplify):

That's not true. The many writers and performers who also write have nearly a week from the previous episode to write and develop about 10 sketches. Sure, if something huge happens in the news that week, that adds some pressure to come up with something topical and funny in less time (a pressure the current writing

I bought this "girls" popcorn popper for my friends daughter on her birthday a few years ago. It was the most popular toy at the party and I patted myself on the back for the successful first gift I ever had to get for a child. Later on I was telling my mom about it and her response was "Huh. Me, I would have gotten

Bay-verse* Bebop and Rocksteady? Careful what you wish for.

Fortune and glory aren't everything. If Indy hadn't gotten involved, Marion very well may have been killed for the amulet.

True, I almost added that BTTF1 borrowed from Romancing the Stone before drawing the same conclusion. Obviously the BTTF2-WFRR? connection has nothing to do with the jazz pieces, which were a great departure for him.

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At about the 2:00 mark, you'll hear the seeds of what eventually became Alan Silvestri's score to Forest Gump. And his score for Back to the Future Part II borrows from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

Air Force One, Part Two: Get Off of My Lawn

At this point, Harrison has to finish what he started. That is, of course, looking barely interested as he sleepwalks through all his most iconic roles from decades past. After Indiana Jones, Star Wars and Blade Runner II, can another Fugitive be far behind? How about Witness? Working Girl? There's still so much

Actually, the "To Be Continued—->" tag was not in the theatrical version. It was added for the home video release, after "Part II" had been greenlit. In a making-of book, Zemeckis and Gale talk about the corners they painted themselves in with that ending having no sequel in mind but knowing they'd have to pick up

I thought the same thing. I had the whole set, including Bob the Goon with "Power Kick" action!

If it's ostensibly for more day light hours, then why do we 'Spring forward' and 'Fall back'? The days are already shorter in the Fall/Winter. A few days ago, the sun set around 6pm, while today's will be at 4:54. And then, when I snap out of my seasonal depression coma in the Spring, I can look forward to sunny

But what if- bear with me- this Old Kirk is from the future of this new splintered timeline, one where he may not have perished? Perhaps he travels back in time somehow or the young crew is thrust into the future. And then the hermit-in-name-only known as Spock could have the tearful reunion with his best friend

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With all due respect, I couldn't disagree with this more. Fans have been calling for Hamill to play the Joker in the flesh since... well I don't know when, but at least since casting for The Dark Knight began, probably earlier. The man will be 63 in a week. This is significantly older than Jack Nicholson was when