living on video

I prefer the non-cream filled Spiced Wafers , but I'll take Delaware Valley Love wherever I can get it! Stay closer to your world, my friend!

I shouldn't have had to scroll down this far to read this.

Frute Brute and Yummy Mummy were both sort of "all the fruits" type of cereals, like Fruity Pebbles or Froot Loops. To bring them back today they had to differentiate their flavors. Frute Brute got cherry and Yummy Mummy got Orange. Would explain the varied color palate of the cereal and marshmallows. So I guess you

Disagree. This is what we're here for, what it's all been leading up to. Now it all makes sense to me, and I'm ready.

So, Gotham City = black and yellow, Metropolis = red, white, and blue.
A little on the nose, don't you think?

Gotta admit,I'm a little disappointed no one's mentioned the chase through John Malkovich's subconscious yet. Screen grabs can't do it justice, but you can watch it here:…

The short answer is I don't know. Clearly, enough people feel this way that their point of view shouldn't be invalidated and if others truly feel that way about male depictions in comics/video games, nor should theirs.

Look, you're far from the first person to use this argument, and certainly won't be the last. My rebuttal is to the argument in general and not toward you personally.