
People really are hyperbolic about this show, aren’t they? It’s good, these people are very talented, but Jesus already...

Jesus those women recording are fantastically annoying.

Every time I read a report about someone being beaten or choked, I think about how long two minutes is when I’m stirring cake batter or kneading bread. It’s always longer than I think it will be. To imagine a child being harmed for that long, or for someone to have to look into the face of an attacker, is so

Agreed. The man has lived his life trying to put goodness and positivity into the world, he deserves a peaceful retirement. Especially if he’s suffering from dementia, it would be nice if he could maintain his dignity as long as possible.

Hahahaha 43 is OLD. I wonder what you’ll think about that when you hit your 40s.

I didn’t get my mom anything because she is my favorite human every single day of the year and she knows it. We don’t need a bullshit holiday to be us.

Congrats on 14! I’ve got 8 years and I still get really twisted drinking dreams. It takes me like 10 minutes after waking up to convince myself it didn’t really happen...

Two weeks from today, if I stay out of trouble, I’ll have fourteen years free from my addiction. Last night, I had a “using” dream that upset me to the core today. Thankfully, I have a phone list of friends in recovery, and I was able to call and talk my way through it today.

I have read a couple of reviews that echo your thoughts. I am married but the stigma attached to singles enrages me. Whenever I go places on my own, I have been subjected to the “just the one??” confusion, and I absolutely despise the fact single women are always assumed to be unable to find a partner.

I’m such a woman, except I don’t kill my own mice. That’s what all the cats are for! Now the bugs, I've got that shit handled.

GOTTDAMN I CAN’T AGREE WITH YOU MORE!!! That’s what I was thinking while reading it “single my ass.”

Ugh, really?! Because as a single, 30-something living in very small but expensive city, not being coupled is definitely a disadvantage. I may own my home, but got the down payment from family and have to have a roommate to be able to afford it. I am beginning to settle into the reality that this is my life- I’m just

I’m reading it right now and am not loving it either, but for different reasons. I thought it was going to be more about the political power of single women, but it’s much more anecdotal. The first couple of chapters were sort of an interesting history lesson, but now it’s mostly stories about how female friendship is

Haven’t read this book but I heard her talk about it on NPR and I got the same impression as you. Also, all her conclusions seemed really obvious.

That’s good to know, and MUCH different than what I expected!

This is what drive me crazy about the book Spinister, too. Especially because most of the historic ‘spinisters’ she covered were married at some point. Le Sigh. I know women who haven’t been in a romantic relationship in a decade and kill their own mice, you know.

It’s also written by a married woman with children in Park Slope, Brooklyn

Hmm. good to know. So, I shouldn’t read this book?

I guess since I’ve offended you, my work here is done.

It was six or seven years ago that I cut off a toxic female friend like a tumor. I practically ghosted her (except for the phone message cancelling our next outing). I had repeatedly told her we were not the same person, I did like other things (that she didn’t), I didn’t always want to go to a party or “thing” with