
I see a lot of people who call themselves “journalists” who don’t have any idea what that means. They basically want to write about themselves and get into events and get stuff for free.

Journalists are already paid poorly, and they are being laid off left and right. Why ask them to do MORE work for free? Their work is not worthless.

 I’m so sorry.

I’m unsure where you’re getting this information. Is there any research to back this up?

You can find someone. But not all of us want to be with someone for the sake of being with someone.

Often people who say those things are in relationships that I would never accept. I have one friend who desperately wanted to get married. Every guy was “the one.” She married the first guy who was interested in getting married. We all hate him. She’s given up all her dreams for him and is now working two jobs while

I agree with you, and Facebook doesn’t help, with people posting the Norman Rockwell version of their lives.  

In my experience, this is true. All my friends are married, and most have kids, the same with family. I’ve been ill and they believe I have bone marrow cancer - I’m in my mid-40s. I know that I will have to handle most of this alone. It’s not anyone’s fault - it’s just that people have lives and jobs and their own

Now playing

Here’s the video of the rehearsal - and David Bowie in the background..

 She was so sick she missed Christmas Day services, didn’t she? I’d be worried too. 2016 has been a bitch.

  Do you think for a second that the reporters and editors thought this was OK? they did not.

here’s the deal. A lot of publications used to offer unpaid internships, usually several spots a semester and more in the summer. Then the intern sued Conde Nast for pay.

I love sliding barn doors. I do not know why. But I hate Shiplap and big clocks. I did love the little greenhouse they built in the middle of that one house - I think it was the first season. Also, every outoor space does not need a fucking portico.

I love Think Twice, which I discovered when Kelly Clarkson sang it on American Idol.

what is the drug if you don’t mind my asking?

do you not remember when khloe waxed kourtney’s vagina and burned her with hot wax? and the pussy smell test? These are not people with boundaries

note her previous book was “big girls don’t cry.” It’s her gimmick

the one thing that I thought was good was actually about a former Jezebel writer, who was single and felt her relationship was with New York City and how cities support single people because they play the role as the husband.

but who say “being single was a big part of my life! so I can relate!” a lot. A LOT.

I hated this book. I know, that’s not allowed. But this book wasn’t really about “single” women. It was mostly about women who were partnered with men, but chose not to get married. They were still coupled.