Ronda was all out of bubblegum
Ronda was all out of bubblegum
Maybe Pinterest has lowered my standards but I don’t think it’s that bad. It’s definitely not good but at least it’s only one font. I know a lot of women who would have used at least 3 fonts of the same announcement.
Sometimes a rolled up hundred dollar bill just isn’t fancy enough.
How is a dog harness for your GoPro something that you get to ask for for your wedding?
What in tarnation is a “curiosity vessel”
Is it ok to be against rape but still think this sucks
It sounds like you were a sucker who bought into the idea that Iverson was anything but a bad guy because you liked what he did with a ball. That’s on you.
I think Clarkson is to blame, but at the same time, it is an incredibly stupid move by the BBC. Would you cut Lebron/Kobe/Jordan because they got in a fracas with an assistant coach? Jeremy's job at the BBC was to be a presenter and bring in a large following. He was not being paid to be a nice person.
Please make celebrity memoir reviews a regular feature on this site! (I nominate Vanna White's for the next installment) ((Yes, I read it when I was in high school)).
...That was me, actually. And thank you! I loved what I did there, but now I'm on to bigger and better things, like trying to end up on Car and Driver's masthead. Slowly working my way up the autojourno career ladder.
Nashvillian here. It sucks. Don't come here. Stay in California and New York. There's nothing for you here. Tennessee is in the bottom quintile, can't you see? You'll hate it here.
Doesn't he still make racist and rape jokes all the time though? Oh wait he's popular and people like him I guess that means that's okay.
If a company sold a shovel that didn't dig, that company would cease to exist. Yet here we are, getting screwed launch after launch, and letting it happen.
$3200 paint job? Thats pretty cheap!
If you smoke marijuana, Tony Stewart will kill you.