There's a guy in Chicago whose office phone somehow got listed on a Burger King website as the contact number for…
There's a guy in Chicago whose office phone somehow got listed on a Burger King website as the contact number for…
Probably would have been the exact same except for "who wants pizza? I'm buying."
My PS4 is gathering dust because I don't want to play any of the 8 games that are out for it.
Not necessarily. A lot of married couples don't have sex as frequently as the husband would like. Sometimes work/kids/house/life get in the way.
Although someone did point out that (according to the reddit thread) they're only 26, so you may be on to something.
She's fucking someone else, bro.
For example, a present-day montage on the current fascination with video games and the 'coolness of being a gamer' centers on video-game segments on the Jimmy Fallon and Conan O'Brien talk shows only to clumsily transition to the Mortal Kombat controversy of the 1990s. From there, the movie touches on the video game…
Simple solution, don't spend money. From a business perspective, you want to maximize your profits, they'll lower the prices if noone takes the bait. I learned something very important early on in my retail career, the value of your goods is always the most that people are willing to pay. Look at apple computer…
Damn, I only have 3 hours of Deus Ex: Human Revolution left. $4.99!
If more PS4 games start providing this feature, it is going to sway A LOT of people over to the platform. I hope Sony is smart about implementing in games where and when it makes sense. It could be a real game changer for the platform and its value proposition to many people.
When I finally beat Metroid I remember sitting there and staring at it for about an hour, hoping someone would congratulate me.
How many lives were saved by this?
I am not joking, last year we had an old lady make a kid an orphan when she drove into a restaurant and killed his parents and a waitress. She was never charged with any crime. She only lost her license.
And this is why I love Troy Baker. The look on his face when he realizes what is going on and then he's all like(mentally of course), "Fuck it, I'm rolling with this."
King is upset because he is by definition a populist writer. He writes horror, but he wants it to be safe horror, he doesn't really want to upset anybody. The movie was much better than the book. If he wants to get cheap commendations from the public by saying it's "misogynistic" than he'll do it. Seriously?…
This is hilarious! "Hey bitch!", that's all it takes :p
Two other things I take from this clip: Breaking bad fans are great; americans throw the word "love" a lot more than we do here in Portugal
Not defending red sox fans, but that player also betrayed the trust of every fan who has ever bought his jersey, shirt, hat, bobble head, poster, autographed memorabilia, etc. and also betrayed all those other players who stood up for him. One hit with the baseball doesn't seem so bad.