Live Forever

God, you are just the most precious kind of asshole aren't you.

It's super irritating that he went through all that trouble, with the costume and the kart, and then didn't ACT correctly.

Hey Barry! Do you happen to despise Facebook? You don't make it obvious enough most times.

Phew. Good thing there's no context whatsoever in these clips to appreciate how great the saves apparently were.

The thing I'm most embarrassed about is that they didn't stop her sooner. What the actual fuck? Who knows what was going on with her at that moment? Could've been a fucking stroke for all they know.

LeBron James will announce where he's signing in a couple weeks... FROM SPACE!!!

Appears to be working for him, eh? He's had a couple viral things already. Appears he's found his niche: to completely dissect and dismantle a topic.

So Bucky Showalter has to put the kibosh on this little asshole, right? Buck strikes me as a guy that wouldn't particularly like this attitude.

"My mom promised me a pizza party on Friday if I get 250 likes."

Have they also brought Club Nintendo back from the dead? I want my free game, damn you.

Holy crap, that is totally my mistake and I will own up to it. From the day I played a Fight Night video game with his rambling commentary in an EDITABLE MEDIUM, I assumed he HAD to have been a boxer with serious brain damage. Wow.

Is it maybe, maaaaaaybe, the repeated blows to the head?

Watch out Michael Sam. Arizona gonna getcha getcha getcha.

"I hope you're proud of yourself for watching that whole thing just to see a combined 1.5 seconds of nipple."

Man, screw you. +1

Well, Yankee stadium prices considered...

I think we can all agree that puppies slobbering all over a horse is better than the media slobbering all over Peyton Manning this week.

The Browns will hire Dan Lebatard, who will make all coaching decisions based on polling of Deadspin readers.

EXCEPT for Raven Shield?! Madness!

Soylent Green, People